Chapter 2 : Clinic

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Just as miss Natalie left the room,Jake was bombarded with questions. Where was he from? What did his parents do?If he had a sibling?What school did he go to? He explained everything to them and then started unpacking.
Daisy was a pretty girl of around 12, with curly golden locks and sky blue eyes. She wore a pink frock and had a luck charm hanging from her neck. Ian was a skinny boy with sandy hair. His eyes were full of understanding and his presence gave a supportive vibe.Tulip was a tall and well built girl with black straight hair arranged in two plaits. Her appearance gave the impression that she was physically active .
Just as Jake started to put his shirts in his cupboard a burning sensation crept up him.
He shrieked in pain and fell down on the floor.His hands wouldn't stop moving and his legs couldn't move.Tulip screamed and ran out of the room with her hands above her head. Daisy covered her head with her hands and let out a small scream.Only Ian stood completely unmoved , with a smile on his face .
A fat plump woman with dark hair rushed into the room and laughed at Jake.
'O Dear,O Dear!You kids scared me.He's just having a seizure, that's all.Get up,hon. Tulip,call nurse Pomegranate and tell her to come her at once with her newly sprung kit.Tell her that we have an early springer at our hands.'
A quarter of an hour later, Jake found
himself lying down on the bed behind drawn sheets.Even without looking at the mirror he could tell he was a mess.
His hair was unruly and unusually long, his arms had turned pale and white,his nails were long and curvy and his body was covered in green coloured boils.
'There,there hon.Have this potion I prepared and you'll be back to normal in less than a minute' whispered the nurse.
He gulped down the awful concoction and his insides felt like they were on fire.Thankfully , this sensation lasted only for a second and then he was alright.He had magically transformed back to his old self and felt very grateful.
He looked around himself and realised that he was in no ordinary clinic.There were books flying like birds all over the place.Magical potions and medicines were floating and hovering from one corner to the other.Sparks were in the air and magical lights bounced off the walls.

Sparks were in the air and magical lights bounced off the walls

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The fat lady came to a halt in front of Jake. 'Hope you are feeling well, Jake.Get up,it's time for me to explain why your here.'
'Because the orphanage didn't want me.I know' he answered.
The fat lady picked him up and rushed him through a secret passage in the wall hidden by a statue.
'Name?' he asked.
The fat lady muttered ' Mortyle Marco Pavlo' and they moved on.
Through a staircase they reached a huge door made of solid wood.On the door were the words ' Donald Roman' carved into it . The fat lady knocked at the door and the door seemed to open on its own in a flash of blue.
'Hello,Jake.I've been waiting for you.
I'm Donald Roman,the Headmaster of this school, and I have something very important to tell you.'

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