Chapter 14 : Aman

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Aman had told Jake and Ian that Daisy was next, and had been sucked into the mirror behind him.
When he had woken up he had found himself on top of a huge rock floating in a vast ocean.
His speciality was water manipulation, so it shouldn't be too difficult for him he thought.
He stepped on the water, and instead of drowning stood there like the water was solid. He started running in the water.
It was evening by the time he had stopped travelling and was resting on top of some sea rocks.
Suddenly out of the sea came a huge monster, and lashed at him.
Aman just had enough time to jump out of the way, and started running from it.
The monster was like a hydra, which four legs and about fifteen mouths. It's teeth were stained with blood, and it was green in colour.

It lunged at him, who sent a wave smashing into the hydras face

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It lunged at him, who sent a wave smashing into the hydras face. Aman was rubbing fast, but the monster was catching up. His breath smelt of rotten eggs, and its eyes glinted with anger.
Aman saw an island a little far away . He made up a huge wave, that whisked him towards the island. He landed head first into the sandy beach.
The monster was still in pursuit. As he ran, his leg was seized by the monster, and he screamed for help.
He was then flung into the water, and drowned.
That must have been when he had died.
Or rather, when he thought he had died.
He woke up an hour later sitting in a small cabin, an ice pack resting on his head.
A tiger was staring at him. A lioness lay to his side, three macaws were seated on his legs and a snake curled around his hand .
'Aaaa!!!' he screamed
'Don't scream' came a calm and gentle voice .
A pretty woman, or rather girl came into view.
She had long blonde curls, and wore a translucent white flowy dress. Her eyes kept changing colour, and she was petting something that looked a lot like a black lion.

 Her eyes kept changing colour, and she was petting something that looked a lot like a black lion

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'Who are you' asked Aman.
'Tilda, the princess of elves.'
'What had happened ?'
'Well, you were being chased by a colossal beast and I killed it, hence my action had an opposite and equal reaction and you were saved.'
'Thank you' said Aman.
'Your welcome' she answered.
They talked to each other a bit, until the girl ( he had decided that princesses were girls, not women) told him it was time to move.
'Why?' asked Aman.
'My friend the witch of white magic, Emma, has sent me a message that a small blonde girl like you has arrived at her castle. 'Come on , we must move'. she answered. It must have been Daisy , thought Aman.
They moved into the island, till they reached a small clearing, but there was no castle here.
There were statues of marble and stone walls and pretty portraits and fur rugs all fallen on the ground, burning in bright flames.
'Oh no' the girl muttered.
'Emma is being fought against for helping your friend. I knew a revolution against the Dark Lord would come, and I think nows the time' and with this she uttered a loud, weird sound, and thousands of little creatures came running through the woods, until about three hundred stood behind Tilda.
'Elves!' shouted Aman excitedly.
'Yes, elves. I must contact my other friends. She blew a conch that was given to her by a red nosed elf, and the jungle went mad.
An army of wolfs, lions, tigers, rhinos, leopards, panthers, elephants, wild dogs, snakes and zebras rushed in through the gaps in the trees.
'Wow' said Aman in astonishment .
'Now come on, we must move' and the army followed them, causing an earthquake .

'Now come on, we must move' and the army followed them, causing an earthquake

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Tilda stopped in front of a town, and saw a horn lying down on the floor.
She said something like Unio or Junio and moved forward with a sad expression on her face.
She tapped the air with her wand, but suddenly it hit an invisible wall and bounced off.
This wall, he remembered, was like the one that had separated Tulip and Gale from each other's landing places.
She suddenly shouted to the sky-
'God Merlin, please help me . Goddess Circe , help me. Let us defeat the Dark Lord, and bring justice to those killed .'
The sky parted and a bolt of lightning hit the wall.
It made a huge hole through which the whole mass of creatures entered. It shut down gradually, but still a small hole remained.
The town seemed deserted, until they heard screams coming from the far end of the town.
Aman looked horrified, and managed to blurt out the words-
'That's Daisy '

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