Chapter 3 : Donald Roman

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Just as he was about to tell Jake a great boom went off and the fat lady next to be jumped out of fright.Don't be afraid, it's just the trumpet foxes.Keep quiet, you two lunatics or no supper for you. Jake looked around the room.

A red , orange and yellow colour tall bird was standing on top of a gold bar coming out of the wall

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A red , orange and yellow colour tall bird was standing on top of a gold bar coming out of the wall. It coughed out a ball of fire, which hit an old book in his massive shelf.The bird looked a lot like a Phoenix, he thought. The ball of fire quickly extinguished itself, and Donald looked at him sympathetically.

'Um , Jake

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'Um , Jake. I don't know how to tell you this but, you see, this is no ordinary school.'
'The clinic told me as much, 'Jake replied. 'Yes,yes, of course. But this is actually a school for , well, gifted students. You see, all students over here are chosen by our professors ,from places ordinary or extraordinary and come here to practice, or rather develop their abilities. '
'Abilities?' Jake asked in confusion.
'Yes, abilities. They all have the powers of magic, you see.And you too have them, my child.Now I know this will be hard for you to believe, but how many times have strange things happens around you when you were annoyed with someone and wanted them to get lost.'
This last part, Jake thought, was true. Whenever he was irritated by someone strange things did happen. Like once when Ms Petosa had given him a D on his Biology project , slugs and snails had started creeping out of her mouth , nose and ears.When Billy had called him a dorky nerd, Billy's glasses had ran off from him in mid-air and he had broken his leg trying to catch them.
'See, you understand. Anyway, the power of magic is not to be taken as a burden, but more as a gift. Use it for good, and help people around you.Now, Professor Green here will teach you Plantology. Professor, please guide Jake back to his room.She'll answer all your questions, Jake.'
'Whats a springer, professor?' Jake asked Professor Green.
'Well, it is used to describe a person who was previously living as a normal being and has suddenly been turned into a wizard or witch.To become a springer, you need to be in one of the many magical sites in the world.Magical sites are the places where you first get your powers properly, and our school is one of them.Most people spring after a day or two in the Magical site, but you turned out to be an early springer. Mostly whenever a person springs, they get green boils and curvy nails and long hair, all the symptoms you witnessed.Now listen. From tomorrow start your daily lessons. Plantology at eight. Metamorphosis at ten. Concoctions at twelve. Lunch at two. Dark Magic at four. Duels at six. Then you're free. Dinner at eight. Bed time by nine thirty. Don't even think about sneaking out of your room without Ms Natalie's permission. Got it' 'Yes,' he answered.
'Good. We've reached. 'And they halted at room 115.
Jake stepped inside to see the same four faces and an additional one- Gale. He was a handsome boy with short spiky hair. He was handling a crystal prism and a stick,no, a Wand in his hand. It was long and shiny black in colour, with a silver dragon and a silver leaf made on it.
'What's up?'He asked.
'Just come from meeting the Headmaster 'Jake replied. As he turned his head he stared at Tulip, who had a small flame flickering in her hand.
'Aren't we supposed to use Wands?' Jake asked.
'Yes we are, but some of us have the gift of being able to control them with our fingers. I'm one of them, though not very good at it.' she replied, closing her palm and extinguishing the flame.

' she replied, closing her palm and extinguishing the flame

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'There are also some, ' added Ian, 'who are good at both. We all have a speciality as well. Like Tulips is Fire. Daisy is awesome with spells and potions. She also has an excellent memory. Gale can manipulate ice more easily than other elements. I'm good at portals and time lapses. '
'What are time lapses?' asked Jake. 'Time travel, in a way ,'replied Gale. A bell rang. It was time for dinner, and they all moved down to the dining hall.
The feast laid out was magnificent. It contained turkish delight and chocolate pastries and candied lemons and chicken gravy and coconut broth and passion fruit curd and many more delicacies.
After having tried a bit of all the dishes, Jake went to his room and fell into a great sleep .

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