Chapter 7 : Birthday Prophecy

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Jake got up early. After all, it was his birthday. He kissed the picture of his parents and got out of bed. The other kids were not in the room. This, Jake thought, was surprising as it was still quite early. As he stepped down from bed his foot hit something hard on the ground.
It was a pile of presents! Suddenly the cupboard sprung open and from it came out Gale, Ian, Daisy and Tulip followed by Aman, shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Daisy and Ian hugged him and then let him open his presents.
Daisy had given him a book known as 'All Magical Plants of the World'. Ian had given him a brand new fountain pen with a pot of invisible ink, which could be made visible with a mutter of Dermamus! Tulip had gifted him an owl amulet for good luck. Gale had given him a box of candies . Aman had gifted him a telescope com binoculars.
There were four other parcels. One from mis Natalie which contained the book ' Magicians Guide to Metamorphosis'. The gift from Headmaster Roman was a photo book of his brother. This brought tears to his eyes and he fought hard to keep them back. Professor Ash had gifted him with ' Magic throughout the Ages'. The other present was labelled ' mother and father'. He quickly opened it and dropped out a book of spells. It was light and portable. A cover slip on it said that it could never be lost as whenever someone forgot it somewhere it would reappear in his pocket as soon as he stepped away. A note attached to it said -
Your parents would have wanted you to have it.
Your well wisher
Jake was very puzzled as to who this well wisher could be. It could have been Headmaster or Professor Ash or Ms Natalie.

The bell rang and it was time to have breakfast

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The bell rang and it was time to have breakfast. Jake and the kids moved to the breakfast hall. All the children were already seated.
Aman took a seat next to him.'Hey, would you like some tea?' he asked. Jake refused politely. On his right hand side sat Ian and Daisy. They four talked about my plans for today and then argued about their favourite singer or band. Jake's was Imagine Dragons and Coldplay. Daisy stood with Taylor Swift. Aman and Ian went with Shawn Mendes. The argument was stopped by a loud Bang!
The whole table shook, and the floor cracked . The children went mad with fear, screaming at the top of their voice.
Before anyone could move from a crack in the floor emerged a woman in flowing robes. She had smoky eyes and wore a hood. Her clothes gave the impression of being on fire.
Someone must have informed him, because that very second came in Headmaster Roman. 'Aah, the Oracle. Welcome. You could have used the front door you know. No need to make such a dramatic entry. You scared the children. No need to be afraid kids' he said.
The oracle sat in mid air, cross legged and her eyeballs disappeared, as if she was in a trance.

Sssilenceeee! she ordered in a voice like a snakes

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Sssilenceeee! she ordered in a voice like a snakes. ' A prophecyyy has been given by Lord Merlin himselfff. Lllistennnn -
The master of the Arts will come
Rid he will the world of Dark,
Betrayed will be him
A closest responsible ,
Let him take five
Journey will endanger,
No professor steps
Killed them all befalls,
Be ready
Pulled whenever you may be'
Wise shall you be
Or plunge into Black Peril .
And with that she disappeared.
'O god, what a mess' sighed Roman, and with a flick of his wand fixed the floor.
The hall was silent ,waiting for Headmaster Roman to explain.
'Well, it was a prophecy. That's all. 
Everyone go to your rooms ' said Headmaster Roman to everyone's dismay.
All the kids moved to their rooms.
The classes were boring as their head was into the prophecy. Finally, all the kids were called to the Great Hall to assemble .
Headmaster Roman was seated on a throne made of stone, and started speaking.
' My fellow professors and I have been able to decipher the Prophecy. It is about you kids, and I have a good idea of who it talks about' at this he looked at Jake, who suddenly felt nervous.
'It's says that one of you will rid the world of the dark lord. You will be betrayed by those closest to you, and you may take five other people with you . Their lives will be at risk at all times. No professors may go with you or you all will get killed. You should be ready at all times as any time you could be pulled into the dark world to defeat the Lord. Make wise decisions, or your world will be in peril.'
All the kids looked at him, astonished. Jake was feeling even more nervous now.
'Please, step forward, Jake' said Professor Ash.
'We all Professors agree on you being the child who will lead the party, as you are the best at the Arts'
Jake felt as though he had just been punched in the stomach by an invisible fist. He? He of all people would be leading the party. His hand shuffled in his pocket, and that's when he felt the compass.
His parents compass. The time had come, he decided, to take revenge.
He had just got new found strength in him, and he stepped forward, ready for the worst.

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