Chapter 6 : The Truth

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Roman looked sadly at Jake.' The truth is that they were murdered by the Dark Lord.The plane crash was a story that was told to the humans world' he said. Jake looked like he was gonna cry.
'Who is the Dark Lord ?' he managed to blurt out.
'The Dark Lord has been present since before existence on earth. He is the most powerful being in earth, with his power even greater than that of mine. You see, we wizards are not usually allowed to use dark magic. The Dark Lord has never been met by anyone who has lived to tell the tale. I myself have never seen him, but believe he is the hooded figure in your dreams. You see, your parents were, in fact, your whole family were great wizards and witches. But alas, all of them were wiped out by the Dark Lord before they became too powerful. His next target is the earth, whose citizens he will turn into headless soldiers to fight for him.' answered Headmaster Roman.
'And who was the kid?' Asked Jake. 'Well, from what you've told me he sounds like your brother, Victor. He studied in this school since you were born, and your parents found it wiser for you two to not get to know each other.He too was killed. I'm sorry.' replied Roman.
Tears stung Jakes eyes. In the past one minute he had got to know that his parents had been murdered by some psycho lord and he had had a brother he had never even known about.
He cried out in anger, and the books in Romans shelf fell down. His trumpet foxes squealed in terror, and a sleeping crow fell down from above a lamp.
'That's it!' cried Roman. ' 'Channel your anger and drive yourself towards revenge by becoming perfect in your spells. I'm sorry but you'll have to leave now as I have a class. You need rest. No classes for you today. Go, get some sleep.' ordered Headmaster Roman.
'Just one thing. How did I pull the rock out of my dream?' asked Jake. 'Well, you had a magical dream of the past, hence the magic worked upon you and left you a rock to let you know your dream was not just a dream, but reality' replied Headmaster Roman. They both exchanged goodbyes and left.
As Jake returned to his room, all the children asked him how he felt. Aman gave him some chocolate wands as a get well soon present and Geneva made him an enchanted paper plane. As he entered, he saw all four of his roommates were sitting on their beds, awaiting his arrival.
'How're you feeling?'
'Heard you requested to see Roman?'
'Yeah' and Jake told them everything about his accident and his dream and his family. His friends stared at him, fascinated yet sad on hearing the story.
They all said a sad 'sorry' to Jake, and left for their classes. Daisy hugged him. 'Don't lose hope' she said. 'Never' replied Jake, and flung himself onto the bed. His wand was kept at his bedside table, and had a note hovering over it. It read -
Dear Jake,
Hope you are feeling better. Sorry for hitting you with fireballs and hope it will not shatter your will to come to the next session. Your wand has been fixed and now no enchantment could work on it. Next session will be after 3 days, at the same time. Don't be late.
Best wishes
Professor Ash Grey
( Winner of dark magic duel 2011- 16, degree in all Magical arts, winner of white magic fiesta 2013-16 , Winner of Magical Arts 2012-16 and Professor at Sunshine old school)
Jake spent the rest of the day thinking about his parents and his brother, and what he would do if he were in their place. He would have, he decided, punched the Dark Lord on his face and broken all his teeth, before throwing him of a cliff or mountain. He took out the picture of his parents and stared at it, his hand closed around his compass.
The anger inside him boiled till it reached a 100 degrees. Because of the Dark Lord he had never known his brother, and now could never get to know him.
He spent the evening trying to learn spells. His wand was working perfectly now, and he practiced the fireball deflection spell. His arm had stopped burning like it used to, and was now working like normal. He looked at the calendar and realised that it was 21st March, and tomorrow was his birthday.
He wondered if anyone would even remember his birthday.
Just then a bell rang, and it was time for dinner. He wasn't feeling hungry, and all he had was a chocolate ganache tart. After food Jake was called to the clinic and his bandage removed.
His arm was now as good as new, and he hurried towards his room. The others were already asleep, and he lied down on the bed.
The next thing he knew, he was already asleep

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