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"Hurry up and get your ass down here Tomlinson" my brother practically screamed form down stairs. I rolled over in my bed and groaned, looking over to the clock I see that its only 6 in the morning. wow I guess he's happy for his 22nd birthday then. yeah that's right my brother is the one and only Louis Tomlinson, and as much as I love him I cant wait until he actually leaves me to sleep.

its Christmas eve, Lou's birthday, and we're all going to a club tonight. I'm 20 next month so I can finally get in. But in the day me and Louis and his band mates and a few of other friends are just going around town, going to the cinema and other normal stuff.

I rolled out of bed and landed on my lilac fluffy rug, I started crawling out of my bedroom, literally crawling on my hands and knees. See now most of the Tomlinson's are normal but not me and Louis, I think our mom was on drugs or something when she was pregnant with us. Oh well normal boring. when I reached the top of the stairs I started to go down them on my butt, like a 4 year old would.

when I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Louis standing there with out stretched hand with a plate which had a bacon sandwich on it."that for me?..." I asked with a raised eye brow. he nodded like a mad man. "wow you figured out how to use the oven" I joked taking it from him. he just chuckled. "thank lou boo love you and happy birthday!" I said giving him, what was probably the biggest hug in the world. "it ok midget and thanks" he said with a cheeky grin. I just rolled my eyes at his nick name that he calls me and went and sat down, I was flicking through the shows that we recorded and I found SpongeBob. I put it on and decided that the sofa wasn't being nice to me because it was cold and sat down on the floor, right in front of the TV, crossed legged like the strange little person that I am. yeah I am quite small but oh well. being tall is overrated and I'm happy, as long as I can get on the big rides at the amusement parks :P

"oh yay spongebob !" Louis squeaked like a little girl. I just laughed. God knows how we haven't woke everyone up yet. "lous who is coming with us today then?" I asked, "well there's gonna be me , you , hazza , niall , liam , zayn. then there's gonna be ellie jazz meg Emily carlie perrie .......emmmm and elanour" he said the last few words glumly. "which one actually her or her sister" I said with a comletly bitter expression on my face. I hate her. "actually elanour" he said sounding really depressed. " why cant modest just exept the fact that you don't wonna be with her and you wonna be with hazza instead" I wined, ive almost got them all sacked from that management before from this and I wont be able to keep my mouth shut much more. its hurting Louis, living a strait fake life you can see it in his eyes, every time hes with her. And the same goes for harry I mean for fuck sake they have been told that their not allowed to sit next to each other in flipping interviews and everything.

"I don't know lo but at least our contract ends with them soon it just depends on if we have to get signed with them again... I can half handle her sister, she just holds my hand and carries on walking. Not really wanting to do the fake publicity stunt either. but Eleanor swings off me like a fucking monkey and does it right in front of harry sometimes as well, I can see it in him too yanno , the way he looks at her, like he wants her to just vanish into thin air, just like everyone else does." he spoke on the brink of tears. my first reaction is to reach over and hug him. "lou you know he loves you and he knows you love him and you want elanour gone as much as everyone else, your fans see it, your friends and family see it too... but just for now you need to show everyone how strong you can be and get on with it, you need to tell her to back off a bit and so does harry we all do and we all will, but just hang on Louis, it will be worth it in the end... I promise just trust me yeahh?" I said , while I was rubbing his back, harry is the only one who I have ever really met probably when Louis brought him back when they got off the x factor, that's when all of it started, they told their management and modest didn't like it so the got the twins involved. I have saw all the others brefly when we saw Louis off to there first over seas tour and everything but the one boy who stuck out, he was the only one who didn't say 'hi' and that was niall, the blonde one was to busy eating, typical. all good though I'll see him later.

now Louis is sitting smiling at me I let go of him and return to my food. "you know Lo, you always know how to calm me down no one would know that your the younger one" he chuckled, I just smile back at him and go into the kitchen shoving the last bit of my sandwich into my gob and chewed. I flicked the kettle on and got two cups ready "now Louis this is a really dumb question and everything but I just wonna make sure... do u want one of LOLAS FAMOUS HOT CHOCY'S or do you want a Yorkshire tea?" I asked popping my head round the door , with a cheesy grin on my face. "TEA PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted jumping up and running past me and sitting on a chair surrounding the island in the middle of the room. he was waiting the patiently like a kid on Christmas day waiting to be told that they can open their presents. I giggled and walked over to the side where the kettle was and made him his tea and my hot chocolate with cream a flake and marshmallows.

I took his tea over to him and he took a sip and sighed. strange boy has an obsession over that tea. I'm hungry again so I'm gonna look in the cupboards , and no bitches im not fat I have a high metabolism thingy so ha, I opened the cupboard and found my favourite ....pringles and their original flavour. my life is complete. I turn around to Louis laughing as he left the room. " you know mom will kill you if you eat them, their for tomorrow" he said chuckling from the next room. he speaks the truth but if I don't eat them now I'll only eat the tomorrow right? I sat down on the island where Louis just was and began eating away and the full tube of pringles.

about 15 minutes later I finished them and I put the empty tube in the bin, as I walked into the living room m I heard soft snoring, oh now i'm awake the pop star can sing, what I little bitch, only kidding love him really. its about 6:30 now and no one ever wakes up till like 9 so I turned the telly off and lay on the other couch and drifted off to sleep. the twins , daisy and phoebe will be up first and will come down bombarding me and Louis for food. good job that Louis cooked some bacon for sandwiches

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