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I woke up to a light blinding me, my head is pounding and it feels like it is going to pop, I felt someone next to me. I looked down to see a tired looking lola, she looks so innocent and cute.i looked over to the clock and saw its 6:30. we have to wake up earlyish so we can all go home for Christmas. I heard a slight knock on the door. "yeah? come in"i said quietly, so I didn't wake up lola.

the door opened and liam popped his head round. his eyes travelled across the room and caught sight on lola in my bed, her head on my chest and my arm around her waist. shes wearing my shorts and tshirt, which is way too big on her. "niall...why is she in your bed" liam said with a smirk, god I thought he was supposed to be the reasonable one. "she didn't have anywhere to sleep so I said she can come in with me, nothing like that happened. I thought you were supposed to be the responsible one" I said, still being quiet. "hey I am, I was only joking, but I don't think you want Louis to see you all snuggled up with her, and her in your clothes. I know he seems alright with you two flirting but if he thinks you are actually doing stuff with her he might get a little... well yanno... he might go all big brother on you" he said laughing a little. he turned around and walked out of the room.

he has a good point, but I cant just get up, shes sleeping. I tried to slide from under her, she just moved a little and wined under her breath. she moved her head and opened her eyes. she looked around her eyes met mine.


I felt something move from under my head, I forced my eyes open. when I finally got them open I was blinded, wait where am I? I looked around the room trying to find out where the fuck I am. I turned my head to what was underneath me. my eyes met his bright blue ones, I instantly know who it is. "sleep well?" he asked me, wow his morning voice. "yeah, you?" I asked him smiling. he nodded, "you make a good pillow" I said like a little kid. he blushed a little. "is anyone else awake?"i asked him. he nodded "liam is, but im not sure who else is" he told me. "ok well do you want breakfast" I said with a smile. "yeah but first I need a headache tablets" he said smiling.

I tried to get up off the bed but I felt something stop me. I looked down at my waist and saw nialls arm around me. I fell back down on to the bed and lay facing him. "ermm hi" I said awkwardly, I felt my face heat up and go red. I felt his arm move from around me. "hi" he said awkwardly. his face went red. I smiled at him. "i'll get the tablets, I need some too" I said standing up.

I walked out of the bedroom and made my way to the kitchen, which wasn't hard because I heard the kettle boiling and the refrigerator open and close again. when I walked through the kitchen door I saw liam and Jasmyn sitting at a island. Jasmyn's eyes darted to me, she looked at what I was wearing, a smirk grew on her face. "you have a good night lo?" she said, she sounds cocky."yes but not because of what your thinking" I said laughing. I went over to a cupboard looking for some tablets to give to niall for his headache.

I think me and niall drunk the most and now im thinking about it I feel ok considering, I can barely remember a thing though. I know what happened when we got home, so I know nothing happened with niall. im shocked I didn't have a nightmare normally I do when I have something to drink but I didn't last night.

I open the cupboard and had a quick look, there is hardly anything in there to eat. there isn't any medicine in there either. "liam do you guys have any headache stuff?"i asked him, he nodded taking a sip out of his mug. he opened a draw and pulled out a box of tablets. I thanked him and got a bottle of water out of the fridge  and took two glasses form the side. I walked back to nialls bedroom, just as I was about to knock on the door... "hey lola!!!....wait why are you going into nialls room, and why are you in his clothes?" harry said with a faked shocked expression on his face. fuck this kid is loud. "ok one stop shouting please and two I had nothing to wear to sleep in so niall let me wear these and I slept in with him cause he didn't want me sleeping on the couch or the bean bags on my own, "ok sorry and did you have a good sleep?" he whispered wiggling his eyebrows. "actually yes but not because of anything like what you people are implying so shut up and stop being like a little kid." I said giggling. he looked at me like he didn't believe me and he started walking backwards towards the living room. he's going to hit off the wall but im not going to tell him.

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