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"WAKE UP. LO WAKE UP LOU ITS YOUR BIRTDAY LOU WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" I hard daisy and phoebe squeal as one of the began jumping me. this shit really hurts like you don't understand how heavey she feels considering their only thin and they are only 9 going on 10. "phoebe daisy which ever one is on me, get off and jump on Louis" I groaned. "good idea lola2 I heard daisy's voice. "no don't dais please don't phoebe is hurting me enough as it is" he wined. "don't listen to him dais he needs to grow some, show no mercy "i shouted like I was in the army or something. she looked back at me and nodded but she turned back "lo what does he need to grow?" she asked innocently .shit. "ermmmmm...carrots he needs to grow some carrots cause he ate the last of them" I thought of an excuse as quick as I could. she just giggled and ran over to him and started jumping up and down on our big brother.

I sat up on the sofa and walked into the kitchen and made the girls and me a hot chocolate and Louis another tea, cause he will get upset if I put the kettle on and didn't do him a drink. after I made the drink I did the girls their bacon sandwiches and grabbed myself a few Jammy dodgers, just cause I can, and I got Louis a carrot because that's another strange obsession of his, the boy need professional help and him "girlfriend" needs a professional punch in the nose just think modest. gits, yeah I don't like them.

I put all of the food and drinks on the kitchen island and then went in the living room to tell them that they have food. I walk in the living room to see that the twins are still jumping on the birthday boy. "ok of the swag-master-from-Doncaster and there's a bacon sandwich and one of my famous hot chocolates on the side for you and if you don't go and eat it now I will , and you know I will be able to do that" I laughed making a fake threat. they all zoomed past me and they started eating. Louis looked upset 2whats the matter birthday boy?" I asked sitting next to him. 2i want one of those hot chocolates" he wined like a baby. I just laughed "do you see why I always ask which one you want, cause every time I do you one you want the other?........(he nodded) you can have i'm I haven't had any yet........but I want your tea" I said swapping the mugs. he gave me a bone crushing hugs, I could breath." love you lola" he said squeezing me even more. " I said wheezing.

"oh right yeah sorry2 he said patting me on the head like a dog."i will bite you tommo and you know I will" I warned smiling. he quickly pulled his had anway from me and started drinking his .well my hot chocolate. I just rolled my eyes and started dunking my biscuits into the cup of tea.

I look up at the clock that is on the wall and it says that it is  eight thirty, that isn't too bad I guess I mean I can always fall asleep In the cinema right? I start eating my last biscuit, whe its gone I get up and put my plate in the sink and I finish my tea and put the mug in there aswell, the twins have finished their food and their drinks and have vanished into thin air and are taking over the tv . I make moms dads and fizzys and lotties sandwiches. since mom  got pregnant with the twins I kind of automatically turned into the mom, she doesn't like it and she says that she isn't disabled and that she can still look after us but I don't listen I like to help mom out I mean she's the one who's looked after me for all these years and deep down I bet she's doesn't want another one is her children to leave. She had a strange time when Louis left for the x-factor tour and everything she had to get used to now seeing one of the people who she loved and will miss but I guess that's the hardest part of being a mom, saying good bye. that's what she says anyway, because personally I think squeezing the baby out would be the hardest part about being a mom, I mean I almost cry when I stub my baby toe never mind that, but that's another story.

dad doesn't like me being the mommy either he says the same as mom, that things can carry on as normal, but they kind of just let me get on with it, I like taking care of my sisters anyways.

I can hear foot steps coming down the stairs, I think its Lottie and fizzy. so I start heating up their food and put the kettle on and do their hot chocolates. yeah it was Lottie and fizzy coming down the stair I can hear them talking as they are making there way through to the kitchen. "morning Louis happy birthday morning lola" they said in unison as they say their asses on some chairs. "morning you two tommo made some bacon sandwiches for breakfast today and I did you my hot chocolate" I said taking them both their breakfast over. "you let him cook on his birthday?!" Lottie asked shocked. "no I was peacefully asleep when he screamed me and gave me food" I said backing myself up. "its true but to be fair I'm surprised the fire alarms didn't wake 'er up" he said smiling sweetly, like setting off fire alarms was ok, oh Louis. "well if we all slept through fire alarms than we should get some more, cause that isn't good" i said like a over protective mother. they all laughed at me and carried on eating and in Louis case poking the table.

after a hour mom and dad got up and we all gave Louis his presents, all of his friends sent their presents over for him so he opened them up as well off mom and dad he got a iPad off me he got a Xbox one off fizzy and Lottie he got a load of Xbox games off niall and Liam he got loads of shoes ,mostly fuckin toms, off zayn and perrie he got a bunch of hair things and lynx and stuff off ellie and jazz(Jasmyn) he got a new stuffed Kevin, pigeon, off Megan and Emily and Carlie he got some more Xbox games and a I tunes voucher.

I suppose he did well considering its Christmas tomorrow. he got something off Eleanor as well, she got in a dog tag necklace that had a key engraved on it saying "the key to my heart, we will be together for ever" on it and you could tell that this pissed Louis off because he just put it back in the box and back in the bag, where as he left all of the others out on the floor where he was sitting. just then the door bell rang and i got up to get it.

when I got to the door, i opened and saw the only person that could help cheer Louis up right now, when i opened the door i saw harry. he had a cheeky grin on his face as always. "hi Lola is Louis still here i wanted to give him his present in person?" he asked hopefully, i just nodded and stood aside so he could go in. when he walking in i shut the door behind him and waited for him to take off his shoes. "swag master who's in Doncaster i have someone here for you" i said in  a sing song voice. Louis head popped from around the door and a huge grin creped across his face. i gave him a wink and walked in the living room, giving them their space, "who was at the door hun?" my mom asked getting up from her seat and started picking up the wrapping paper that Louis left there. i darted to help her strait away and picked it all up before she could even get her second piece up off the floor. "first sit your butt back down ... please. and ermm you four can you go up stairs please but don't go past the front door go the other way thank you" i said and waited for my four sisters to go up the stairs and i heard all three doors shut, since the twins share. "harry is hear, and he's giving Louis his present" i said sitting back down, you see the girls don't know that Louis and harry are secretly together because we thought that they might get took the mick out of because their brother is gay, stupid society stupid management, but the know that Eleanor is fake and Louis don't like her but they think that he is fske because modest wanted Louis to be seen as a bit more mature...yeah even if that was true it didn't work. 

" oh that's good, don't think Louis was every happy about the present for Eleanor. its too bad it was a nice necklace as well. but I don't think she realises that Louis doesn't like her that way ... or any way actually" mom said sadly. my step farther just say there a nodded in agreement. they took it very well that Louis wasn't strait, he is bisexual, most parents would have been quite angry I would imagine. " i know, it sickens me, i can handle her sister she doesn't want to be their as much as Louis but Eleanor wants it to be real and she's quite happy making two boys fall apart right in front of her to make her feel that its real" i said in a whispering voice, i don't want the girls hearing this no one does. "what do you mean her sister?" my step dad asked curiously. oh yeah he don't know does he. he must have been at work that day then. "modest get Eleanor's twin to pretend to be her when she cant get time off her job... its quite pathetic actually one of them is taller that Louis when the other isn't.... stupid fucking modest" i muttered the last words. i think they heard though  because they started to laugh.

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