The Beginning

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Quote of the Chapter

Don't waste your time looking back at what you have lost. Move on, for life is not meant to be travelled backwards. ~ Anon

Song of the Chapter 

Wolf like me ~ TV on the radio

The armour I am about to describe is any of the Spartan armour from Halo just an FYI


~Planet Genesis~

A young woman was running for her life, the sounds of swords meeting swords behind her, and of bullets flying through the air. Screams of dying men and women echoed through her skull, as she ran with a small baby in her arms and another two kids that were no older than five by her legs. Both were little boys, one had a full head of white hair, his onyx coloured eyes were wide with fear and confusion. The other little one another little boy had brown hair and light blue, green eyes holding tightly to his mothers silk shirt. Three men followed the small family, looking all like robot made men with different colour armour on one was wearing all black his visor a black as well with a green Omega logo above his heart. The other two guards were wearing full purple armour with black visors symbolizing  that they were royal guards. Each of the warriors were equipped with fully automatic rifles, strapped to their backs were shields and a spear and a sword and dagger sheathed at their waist on the opposite  they had a pistol.

The woman stopped and her flowing midnight black hair reached her waist, her sparkling blue eyes was filled with concern and worry but most prominent was loss. The man in the full black armour stopped at a machine and typed in some things. The woman obviously a mother to the children put them in an egg shaped bed, looking at her kids lovingly. 

"Mother are you sure this is a good idea?" The black armoured man asked. The woman looked up as he was removing his helmet a military buzz cut hid his usually light brown hair, and his hazel eyes, more green than brown,  shone with worry and sadness. 

"I have no choice Michael. Your uncle is gonna destroy us all, his jealousy for your father is to much this time. I need you to do something for me sweet heart." The woman asked her eldest son, her pride and joy the Voids most absolute warrior and commander of his fathers army at just the age of fourteen. He held the respect of the entire army even the generals who were the leaders of the army for centuries before the her son was a thought in her mind. 

"Mother I would do anything for you, you just need to ask." Michael responded. 

"Help your father there is no doubt in my mind that he and your uncle are battling right now. Please go help him, lead your army." The mother begged, Michael froze. He couldn't abandon his mother in a war zone, he has never left any one behind before, not even corpses of his fallen soldiers during the hundreds of missions he has been on were still on any of the planets.

"Mother you know I can't do that." Michael responded. 

"You have to, leave the guards if you must. I am sending your siblings to Earth each during a different time era. So your uncle will never find them. You must leave me and defend our city!" 

Michael looked torn but the look of defeat and acceptance flashed across his face. He put his helmet back on and nodded to his mother. "I will make you proud mother, I love you."

His mother stepped up and gave him a hug. "I am already incredibly proud of all that you have achieved son. I love you, if it comes down to it this is my last order for you son." 

Michael tilted his head showing he was confused. His mother looked him dead in the eyes through his visor. "Kill them all." 

Michael straightened out and saluted. "Yes Mother." He ran out the door rifle in hand, pistol and sword on his waist with a dagger in his boot and one on his bicep and a spear and shield on his back. The woman kissed each of her kids in the ships on the forehead lovingly all of them with different looks due to their fathers blessing,  before whispering to them. "I love you." Than rushed to the console, she knew her time was dwindling as shouts became closer. 

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