The End of Olympus

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Song of the chapter 

Just Breathe by Rival and Cadium (song above) 

Quote of the chapter 

"Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank what ever gods for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced or cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the horror of the shade, and yet the menace of years, finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how straite the gait, how charged the punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul." ~ Invictus 


(An hour before reaching Olympus) 

Fury held the water that strained against his will trying to wash his troops off the bridge, over fifty armoured cyclops jumped in front of the eight foot man on the other side of the bridge his sea green eyes wide with shock at the power of his once demigod child. 

With a feral scream Fury lowered his hands and the water turned to ice and broke into spears that shot across the bridge wiping out a quarter of the cyclops. 

"Archers fire!" Fury yelled as his remaining twenty five troops fired at the cyclops, only dropping a couple as the arrows were only a minor nuisance to the fifteen foot, one eyed monsters. 

After the last arrow flew Fury yelled. "For glory!" As he and his team unsheathed their blades and charged. 

As Fury got closer to one of the the cyclops raised it's war hammer in a mighty over hand blow. Fury hit the brakes hard as the hammer came down missing Fury by inches, with out missing a beat. Fury ran up the hammer throwing his sword high in the air making the cyclops look up, realising it's mistake to late it looked at the airborne son of Chaos as he was in mid back flip landing on the cyclops shoulders and driving a dagger in it's lone eye. Than catching his sword point down drove it in the cyclops exposed neck. 

  The cyclops dropped to his knees with a gurgle, Fury leaped off the cyclops shoulders and driving his blade into another charging cyclops chest. His blade sliding through the armour like it was made of butter. With that Fury threw three blades landing into three other cyclops neck as he was ripping his blade free of his earlier kill a trident swung at him catching him in the chest and hitting one of the support beams. 

"Enough Perseus. I am your father and you will put an end to this right now!" Poseidon roared. "I do not want to hurt you but I will do what I must." 

Fury got up to his knees and looked at Poseidon with barely controlled rage, his anger consuming him as he thirsted to spill more godly blood. "I am not your son sea god, I am the son of Chaos and you are in my way." 

Poseidon's face fell as his attempt failed, than it hardened. "I will kill you Perseus, I am still a god and you are no match for me." 

Fury laughed but it was a sadistic laugh knowing that another god was about to fall to his blade. "I would like to see you try sea god." 

With that both combatant's knew that the time for talk was over and one of them would fall on this bridge that night. 

Fury charged his speed almost caught Poseidon off guard but his godly abilities kept him alive as he barely deflected all of Fury's blows. As Fury's blade was about to cut Poseidon's throat the god disappeared and Fury thrust his blade behind his back over his head so his blade aligned with his spine and twisted his body, the blade caught in the prongs of Poseidon's trident and Fury twisted spinning the trident out of Poseidon's hand and giving Poseidon a rib cracking kick to the chest sending the god sprawling a few feet away. 

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