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Song of the Chaper

Let's get it started ~ Black eyed peas

Quote of the Chapter

Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken the force will free me." The Sith code. 

Eve is gonna be the goddess of a couple things. 

Also check out my newest one shot. "Anakulsmos" 


Fate woke up with a groan his chest felt like it was on fire.  His eyes closed as he held his chest in pain, remembering the six bullets that were probably still in his chest. 

His onyx eyes shot opened in panic realising if he was dead he wouldn't be in pain, he eyed his new surroundings in awe. He has never seen anything like this in his sixteen years of life, there were machines surrounding him, some even attached to his bare chest. That showed no trace of injury. 

A groan to his right drew his attention a younger teen around his age with holding his chest. He had longer brown hair. His eyes snapped opened, the blueish green eyes met the pair of onyx that were looking at him curiously. 

"Who are you? You look familiar should I know you?" 

Fate hesitated feeling the same way but at a complete loss of answers. 

"I'm not sure I just woke up, the last thing I remember was charging with Henry to protect my sisters from the men that wanted to burn them for being witches. How about you? What do you remember?" 

"I remember being betrayed by the one who I called brother. I was sent by George Washington with a paltry five hundred against an army of over four times that size with the promise of reinforcements. On orders of Zeus they didn't come, I held the bridge while all my men retreated but I was killed. My name is Stephan Nicholas by the way, pleasure to meet you."

"I am Fate Minamoto, the honour is mine." 

A new voice rang out toward the doors, which both demigods looked at quickly as well as curiously. "I might have to take a video, I have never seen you two get along with each other. Always saying whom was the favourite." A man in black armour said with his arms crossed, a scar marred his face his hazel eyes shone with amusement but the two saw the tiniest bit of grief in them. 

"Who are you?" Stephan asked the new man curiously, it was like some one shoved a bunch of cotton in his head making it harder to think. 

"Who am I? Well I am Michael, or if you prefer you can call me your big brother." Michael smiled at the two shocked demigods even if they didn't know that is not what they ever were.

"What do you mean? I am a son of Ares or was and I don't have the slightest clue about Fate's parentage." Stephan asked cutting Fate off who gave him an annoyed glance. 

"I am a son of Hecate, does that mean you are a god?" Fate questioned. 

Michael laughed. "I am not a god, just a guy. But that whole BS about Hecate and Ares being your parent's was a lie created by our true mother Eve, we had to send the three youngest princes of Genesis away as you were much to young to be fighting." 

Both Stephan and Fate's jaws dropped. "Well who are our real parents than?" 

Michael's eyes lost a little of their mirth. "Well Eve our mother was the primordial goddess of kindness, loyalty and generosity. As for our father he is Chaos creator of all." 

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