It's a Revolution Baby

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Song of Chapter. 

It has Begun~ Starset 

Quote of Chapter. 

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. ~Anonymous 

Dedicated to @sirnick1005 as this is his characters chapter! 

Somethings in this chapter might not be historically accurate as I am not very familiar with the American Revolution as I am Canadian! So please forgive any inaccuracies! 


Stephan stood beside his friend Samuel Adams looking at the kings soldiers in disgust, as the two sat by the docks watching the soldiers unload crates of tea from the East India company, that was heavily taxed for the American colonists. Many were upset, rebel acts erupted all over the colony at the treatment of them at the hands of King George the third. 

"Unbelievable huh?" Sam asked, his hazel eyes bright with fury. Stephan nodded mindlessly playing with his dragon pendant, one which he refused to take off, for whatever reason. He had thoughts just like the rest of his American brethren. He shook of his thoughts and turned to one of his longest time friends. 

"Come on Mr. Adams. We have business to discuss." Stephan said as he peeled off his spot on the wall, and began walking away. 

"So what is this business we have to discuss? And who will be attending?" Sam asked, as he struggled to keep pace with the well built son of Ares, or rather disowned son of Ares. Ares only disowned him to keep peace with his father, Zeus, as Stephan killed an Englishman during a riot that happened to be a son of Zeus. His blueish, green eyes flashed with fury at the thought of Zeus. He put his hand through his long brown hair as was the custom during the times. 

"All in good time my friend." Stephan replied, his friend George Washington sent him to Boston to set up a base of operations and get the people of Boston to be the face of the revolution, and it all starts with the tea.

He cut down the alley with Sam hot on his heels, went to the back of an old grey building that looked abandoned, but Stephan went to the door and knocked. Three quick taps than two long ones. 

A raspy voice was heard. "What is the price of freedom?" 

Stephan without hesitation replied. "Death." The door creaked open, and both Sam and Stephan walked in, the door closing behind them, but neither man looked back as the navigated down a series of tunnels. Stephan knowing the way by heart, as he studied all the maps before coming to Boston. He chuckled inwardly, he could easily pass as a child of Athena, more than his ex father. As he preferred to read and study battle instead of engaging in it, not saying he didn't mind a bit of blood on his hands. 

But being a good soldier meaning being a master of both mind and body. He led Sam into a small room where twenty men were waiting all part of the patriots attempting to rid Britain from the colonies for the past eight years. 

"Hello every one my name is Stephan Nicholas I come from George Washington he sent me here so the patriots can hold Boston, as it has a strong strategic entry point for our allies the French to enter the war. If they do that is. Some one make a note of the date, it is May twenty-eighth of the year seventeen seventy three." 

Some one wrote the date and waited for Stephan to continue looking at him expectantly. Which Stephan noticed and nodded before continuing. 

"To long has the British taxed us Americans for the tea of the East India company while the big company thrives while us hard working men pay out of our pockets to keep it afloat! I say no more, the sons of Liberty say no more! I have a plan but it will be risky and many of us might get hurt." 

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