Betrayed the Young Son of Chaos

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Song of the Chapter 

Me, Myself and I ~ G-Eazy 

Quote of the Chapter 

Some people get jealous of the accomplishments you have made unaware of all the struggles and pain it took to get the pebbled path called success ~ Anonymous


A young man sat on a beach his knees up, one hand using it as a hand rest as it gripped a coke, he stared at the sun as Apollo's chariot drove off to the distance. His raven black hair unruly like he has been sitting on the beach for a while, his sea green eyes shone with grief and sadness but also a bit of happiness as there is no more prophecies hanging over his head. 

He lost a lot of friends and that weighed the most heavily on the young demigod. 

"Percy?" A feminine voice questioned. Percy looked back and saw the blond haired, grey eyed girl he fell in love with, one that was his mortal point when he bathed in the Styx a year ago. But most importantly she was his best friend, some one who was always there. Some one he fell into Tartarus with and survived two of the three demigods alive to do so and live to tell the tale. 

Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena. 

"Hello Annabeth." Percy smiled softly, Annabeth's face scrunched in confusion. 

"What are you doing?" 

Percy sighed as he gazed back into the sea."I am thinking Annabeth, about everything."  

Annabeth snorted as she sat beside her boyfriend. "You thinking? Not with that much seaweed there!" 

Percy rolled his eyes as his hand snaked around Annabeth's waist pulling her in closer as she leaned her head resting contently on his shoulder. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Annabeth whispered. 

"No I am fine, are you OK?" Percy asked looking down at her. 

"We survived Tartarus, ran into so many primordial's, beings I didn't think even existed anymore. I am OK but it will take time to adjust. Plus Bob and Damasen they just sacrificed themselves for us." Annabeth trailed off. Percy frowned, he couldn't believe what he had been through with the girl he loved the most. 

"Anyway I am heading to bed I will see you tomorrow right?" Annabeth asked, Percy nodded. 

"Yea I am gonna stay up a bit more, I will see you tomorrow wise girl." 

Annabeth frowned but leaned in and kissed Percy on the lips, the kiss was soft and sweet showing emotions that were just to hard to put into words. 

As Annabeth walked away Percy thought about his life and how lucky he was to have survived to this point. He didn't know how long he sat there for but suddenly he heard a ear piercing scream, a scream for help. He didn't think his instincts in overdrive, he sprinted towards the sound of the scream as he saw a young teenager around fourteen he had blond hair, with sky blue eyes that were wide with fear as he was desperately dodging the attacks of Percy's favourite monster. The Minotaur. 

Percy uncapped his trustworthy sword, Riptide, and charged forward. "Hey ground beef!" 

The Minotaur stopped attacking the kid and turned to Percy, it's evil eyes glinted hatefully with recognition. It bellowed it's challenge, as Percy reached the kid. 

"Get behind the pine tree! It will protect you, get help!" 

The kid set his jaw. "And let you get all the glory no way! This monster is mine!" 

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