Chapter 1

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The moon light glistened between the trees. Beetail was leading a hunting patrol. She saw a rabbit and bounded after it. Her unflinching gaze on it's bobbing tail as she got closer and closer. Finally, she felt it's neck snap in her jaws. Feeling strength surge through her legs, she carried it back to her clanmates. Blossomclaw had two mice dangling from her jaws. Sharpfrost had a squirrel in his mouth. Cedarpaw stood proudly, holding a small bird in his forepaws. While Brackentail and Lakewhisper both had a pair of mice.
"Let's get this back to camp." She meowed through her mouthful of rabbit fur as she padded beside Heronfeather, carrying a blackbird. The night was quiet and the stars shone in between the pines and thin trees. She and him were mates now. The two had grown closer, barely leaving each other's sides.
"Another successful hunt." Bloomfur meowed as they entered.
"Good job." Foxstar meowed as he padded over to them.
Cedarpaw felt Swiftslip lick his ears purring.
Tawnybrook was sitting with Mosspuddle, sharing tongues. Blackpelt was resting in his nest with his tail over his nose.
Yellowheart was washing his ears and tail on a rock. "Ah.. The moon.. So bright." He meowed.
"Did you hear about the fire in Twolegplace?" Mistwater murmured to Leafmist.
"A fire?" She mewed.
"Yeah, Alfonzo came and told me about it.. Thank you so much for allowing Suzy into AshClan Foxstar... She cpuld have been hurt if I hadn't have met her that day.." The striped gray she-cat meowed.
"Of course." The smooth ginger tabby mewed as he dipped his head to her respectfully.
He had let the she-cat's other kin into the Clan. Ever since Alva's death, Mistwater seemed happy to have her other sister by her side. They could fight and hunt together. No longer would they be separated from each other. AshClan stuck together no matter what as long as their bonds with each other ruled their hearts.

Warriors Deadly Echoes: Dimming StarlightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz