Chapter 1

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Bravestar looked at his Clan. Bluejay and Fallentooth were pressed against each other looking down at their three kits. Then noticed Marrigoldrunner and Flintnose curled around their two kits, Racoonkit, and Flowekit. He saw Nettlepaw and Featherpaw practicing battle moves with their mentors, Pikestalk and Poolhawk. The tom purred. This was his Clan. He noticed Runningfall, Nightdusk, and two warriors he had let join recently, Crouchfoot, a black tom with white paws and a tail he had found in Twolegplace with a squirrel, and Mallowtail, a brown and white rogue she-cat that had stumbled upon them, and he quickly noticed her quick speed in the trees and her muscles making her a brilliant warrior. The two had joined only a few moons after the wolves disappeared from the forest at last. "I'll never forget the ancient WolfClan, ViperClan, and even some of my ancestors gave me my name.." He mewed to himself. It seemed as if his life changed before him. He had promised the cats that would soon join TimberClan that they would be well looked after and be able to protect cats that they would grow to love and care about.
Bravestar stood on a branch that touched close to the ground and gave a yowl. "All cats old enough to climb, gather to hear me!" He called. The cats gathered around. "TimberClan is at last at peace. Also, I have something I must do. Featherpaw, Nettlepaw, come here please." He meowed to the two she-cats. Nettlepaw of the two littermates bounded forward with excitement while Featherpaw walked over. The two were standing below him. Bravestar took a deep breath.
"Featherpaw, Nettlepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your lives?"
The two cats bowed their heads.
"I do, Bravestar!"
"I do."
"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names," He meowed, first looking to Nettlepaw. "Nettlepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Nettlepoppy. StarClan honors your strength and determination and we welcome you as a full warrior of TimberClan." He pressed his muzzle on her head, as she licked his shoulder. Featherpaw padded up.
"Featherpaw, from this moment you will be known as Feathertuft. StarClan honors your intelligence and patience and we welcome you as a full warrior of TimberClan." He meowed to the tortoiseshell she-cat, pressing his muzzle against her head.
"Nettlepoppy! Feathertuft!" The cats cheered.

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