Chapter 5

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"It may have faded now.. But it's heading towards WolfClan and ViperClan... So they can handle it." Badgerfang meowed.
"We should still warn them!" Tasha meowed.
"Why? What have they done for us?" Badgerfang asked.
"Even if they haven't wouldn't you want them to come warn us if a raccoon or a badger was coming onto our territory?" The Clan leader asked.
"We can protect ourselves. They're a clan of two." He meowed dodging the question.
Foxstar growled. "Tasha take two other warriors and go warn them." He meowed.
"Marshtail, Tawnybrook let's go." The elder she-cat rasped as she exited the camp.
Foxstar watched them leave. Badgerfang snorted.
"They're a clan like us." Shortfur meowed to him.
"And you shouldn't be arguing with the leader." Yellowheart advised.
"You would say that." Badgerfang rumbled as he walked away and held his head high.
Yellowheart beared his teeth.
"Racoons! A lot of them!" Marshtail panted as she had come back.
"Any able bodied, follow my lead!" Beetail's voice rang loud and clear.
"I think you made the right choice." Yellowheart meowed to Foxstar. "Thank you Yellowheart." He meowed. Cats fell in behind Beetail.
"Aren't you going?" Chara meowed. The ginger tabby nodded. "Yes. I'm coming." He replied.
She followed behind Mosspuddle. The patrol of cats were bristling ready to attack.
They bounded through a shortcut to the territory and saw racoons and the WolfClan and ViperClan cats fighting along with some cats they had never seen before.
"AshClan attack!" Foxstar yowled as cats were already running at the creatures.
A raccoon hissed at Foxstar as clawed it on the side of it's head. Brackentail attacked a raccoon furiously. Cats yowled and hissed in combat. Whitestar of ViperClan ran over to him. "You're aiding us?" She panted.
"Of course! You would do the same!" Foxstar mewed.
Their daughters, Windfur and Chara both tag teamed one of the creatures. Dawnreed clawed at a raccoon's throat. Raccoons snapped and hissed. One raccoon raced for the nursery.
"It's heading for the camp!" Grayfeather wailed.
"Get it!" Sparkfire shrieked.
Ottertail, Blackflight, Whitefang, Stormclaw, Rowangfang, Ivyleaf ran on hard paws. Beetail and some of her clanmates ran beside them.
"Kill it!" Blackflight shrieked as he pounced on it clawing at it. The raccoon shook him off and ran straight into the nursery. Fallentooth barrled into it. Onestar and Feralstorm followed behind. Jadepelt clawed it down the face.
The creature shrieked. It swiped at Hawkleaf trying claw him across the face.
"Kill it! Kill it!" Fallentooth wailed, biting it's throat.
The raccoon soon fell dead.
"The raccoons are running away!" Yowled a voice.
The cats yowled in triumph. Bluejay was trembling in the nursery. "Fallentooth I am alright." She meowed.
"Is the mean monster gone now?" Feather asked her.
Fallentooth licked Feather and Nettle. "Yes." He replied before his mate could speak.
Nettle nuzzled Fallentooth. "You killed it!" She yowled with relief.
"Yes I did young one but not without the help of my clan and AshClan." He looked to Onestar who was licking a scratch.
"You're welcome." Beetail meowed. Foxstar met with Onestar and Whitestar.
"A patrol spotted them on our territory. One of my warrior's died." Onestar meowed as he bowed his head.
Foxstar dipped his head. "I'm sorry."
"By the time they had returned, they were on their tail and near the border." Feralstorm meowed.
Whitestar nodded her head. Dawnreed walked up. "We've lost no one thank StarClan... But like earlier, Sandtail's gone.." She mewed.
The leaders dipped their heads. The WolfClan and ViperClan cats entered the camp.

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