Chapter 12

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"Leopardheart. Come on." Dawnreed meowed.
She nodded and followed the ViperClan deputy.
"Where is your leader?" The cream she-cat asked.
"I don't know." Leopardheart replied. "Yeah we can't do this without him." Almondfall pointed out.
"Um I can go look." Leopardheart offered.
"No need." Onestar meowed. He gestured his head to the camp entrance.
Bravestar walked through the camp entrance.
Leopardheart gave a brief purr.
He smiled.
"Let us walk you to your new territory." Onestar meowed.
Bravestar nodded.
They padded through the forest. The sun shone brightly just as it was sunhigh.
"This is beautiful." Leopardheart meowed in awe.
"Come on kits." Marigoldrunner, once named Guava purred. Nettle and Feather were hard on her heels carrying Raccoonkit and Flowerkit. Flowerkit squirmed and Racconkit was asleep. Onestar and Whitedtar had changed their names a quartermoon ago.
Bluejay was just behind them, her belly round with her second litter of kits coming soon.
She looked at Onestar.
"When will your kits be due?" He asked her.
"Hollyflight told me in a half-moon." She replied.
Onestar nodded. The group came through the ferns to fallen logs and some strewn leaves. Trees high above their heads.
Bravestar tensed up but saw a tabby climb down a branch. "It's only you Echostream." He meowed.
The tabby she-cat nodded. "This territory smells like good hunting." She commented.
"Good." The thick furred tom meowed. "And we're not far from the lake's water." Her sister, Heatherfur meowed from a low hanging branch.
Bravestat nodded "That's good." He meowed.
"Bravestar, who is your deputy?" Onestar asked.
"I believe it is easy. Leopardheart." The newly made leader replied.
The golden she-cat purred. "Round up cats next?"
"Yes." Bravestar replied. They needed more cats to be a Clan, they'd be crowfood if they were so small.
"But how to do that?" Heatherfur asked.
"She has a point." Brachspots put in. "Where's your friend Flintnose?" Feralstorm asked.
At the sametime he asked that, the gray and white tom returned with the others, a mouse in his jaws, a strange white and ginger looking cat.
"I'm sorry Bravestar. I was looking for a friend who may join us." Flintnose meowed.
Bravestar nodded. "Who are you?" He looked at the strange cat.
"My name is York." The kittypet meowed. He had an odd pattered cloth around his neck.
"What is around your neck?" Heatherfur asked sniffing at it curiously.
"It's a bandana. My housefolk put it around me." York replied.
Dawnreed looked at him. "Is it removable?" She asked.
"Of course. Just loosen it." The tom meowed, stretching out his neck. Bravestar bit down on the cloth. It was off just like that. The tom dropped it. York licked a paw and drew it over his ear.
"Do you want to join TimberClan?" Bravestar asked.
"I could be a warrior, protecting my Clanmates. That's the term right?" He meowed.
"Yes along with hunting." Dawnreed replied.
The cat seemed hard muscled and looked well groomed.
Bravestar nodded his head in approval. "I caught a small bird once. Then I saw lizard in my owner's home and I ate it." York went on.
"Yuck!" Feather meowed.
"Cool!" Nettle beamed.
"It seems like you have things under control here?" Onestar dipped his head to Bravestar.
"Yes. Thank you so much Onestar." The tom meowed.
"May StarClan light your," Onestar began until Silverleap meowed:"You need a medicine cat. You can't be a Clan without a medicine cat."
Silverleap was right. They needed a cat that could read the stars and heal their injuries if anycat were to be hurt. Or else they'd be good as dead for foxes and crows.
The newly made leader looked deep in thought. "Hmmm."
They needed a cat that could read the stars and heal their injuries if anycat were to be hurt. Or else they'd be good as dead for foxes and crows.

Warriors Deadly Echoes: Dimming StarlightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz