t h r e e

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Oh, I never told you who is writing this!

This is a solo story, which means only myself, Alexis, is writing this. Although my friend from watty, swearshewas18, has been helping me write some of this! So there ya have it!

This chapter will be a long one! Please let me know your thoughts!

And thank you to everyone that is leaving such sweet comments(:

It really means a lot!

Im glad you are fans of "Where From Here" I really love wrting it for you all! 

So enjoy!


“No, I’m not talking to him.” I panicked. Tristan gave me the you-gotta-do-what-you-gotta-do look. 

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, clicking the green answering button. “What, Harry?”

“Sky?! Sky, where the hell are you?”


“Why weren’t you there when I came back for you?”

I crookedly smiled. “Does there have to be a reason?”

I could hear him sigh from the other side of the line. “Sky, I’m sorry, okay? Where are you? I am coming to get you.”

“No.” I shook my head furiously. 

“You don’t understand, I have to keep you safe.”

“Look, Harry, it’s all said and done. We’re over. Goodbye.”

“No, Sky-”

I clicked the end button before he could finish his sentence. I brought my hands up to rub my temples, hoping to calm my nerves and the sick, empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I hadn’t noticed Tristan left the table until he sauntered out of the restroom, arms flailing loosely at his sides. I groaned at the thought of Harry coming back for me. 

I sat there and thought a minute, tuning out whatever Tristan was saying to me. What was Harry talking about, he needed to keep me safe? Keep me safe from what? 

I was lost in my own world of thought, I had'nt even noticed that we were now walking out of the cafe. Tristan snapped his fingers in my face, breaking me from my train of thought. 

"What world were you in?" Tristan chuckled. I pursed my lips. I was'nt in the mood for anything to make me laugh. I was still s curious about this whole thing? 'I have to keep you safe', was I all I was hearing. Harry's sincere voice, saying he needs me to be safe.

"What do you think that all meant?" I started. "What do you think he meant by saying, 'I have to keep you safe'?" I looked at Tristan sideways waiting for an answer. He looked just as confused as I was.

"Yanno, it could mean anything. But I don't know." He trailed off. We continued walking. I wasn't quite sure where we were headed. My mind took over, so I must have not heard where we were headed. 

"Where are we off to, Tristan?" I looked over at him. A smile was evident on his face. 

"Where ever our feet take us." he chuckled, "You seemed like you needed time to think, so we walk." He smiled, obviously knowing how I was feeling and knowing just what I wanted to do. So we did just that. We walked for what felt like miles. Finally, we came to a halting stop.

Someone approached us in a a black van. The windows were darkly tented. We couldn't see the owner of the vehicle, until they rolled down there window. 

"Sky Norman?" A man with a thick Irish accent spoke. I nodded. I was scared, and nervous. Who was he? How does he know me? I could feel my cheeks getting red. 

"Alright. Be careful.." His voice trailed off as he pulled away. Why are so many people concerned about my well being and safety. 

"What was that all about? Did you know him?" Tristan rambled. 

"I dont know. I have never seen that man in my life.." I trailed off. "Now this is getting a bit strange. I wyped my sweaty palms on my jeans. I was definatly weirded out, and I could tell, so was Tristan. 

We continued to walk, and ponder what everything means. Maybe we never will know, or its best for us not to know.


We finally made our way back to my flat. 

"What does this all mean," Tristan protested. "I honestly think you should text Harry. He seemed like he knew something. After all he did say he needed to keep-" 

"I know what he said, and I'm not texting Harry!" I snapped. Tristan was silent.  I was still so stressed, ad overwhelmed about everything. Harry calling me, the scary leprechaun. Ashamed of snapping on my best friend, i spoke up. 

"I'm sorry Tristan, I don't know whats gotten in to me. But I'm not texting Harry. Perhaps, he wont reply. Or he will tell me off." I began to grow smaller. I knew I should probably ask him. But my own emotions took over this time, and so what came out is the exact opposite of what I should do. But I don't know. What if he does tell me off? 

"Just try. We need to get to the bottom of this." He looked me in the eyes. "What if something is wrong? Harry seems to know. I don't want something to happen to you!" Tristan walked closer, protesting his cause. He was quite convincing. 

"Fine, fine. You're right. I ill text him. I just-" I stopped myself from going further. "Ill text him." I let out a sigh. Tristan sighed in satisfaction.  

I reached in my pocket to grab my phone. I slid my thumb over my phone with hesitation. I tapped my code in, and tapped the messaging app. I looked up at Tristan. He motioned for me to continued. So I did, I sent a text to Harry.

Me: Harry, What did you mean by, you need to keep me safe?

I pushed send, and we lingered in silence. I rested my chin on my fist in anticipation. Then my phone buzzed. Tristan and I made eye contact. I opened the message.

Harry: I just need to keep you safe. Okay? 

His reply was defiantly not reassuring. I read the text out loud to Tristan. I sent a reply.

Me: Fine Harry. Then why did someone in a van approach me asking about my name? How do you explain that? 

I was growing inpatient with him. 

"He always pulls this! He can never explain anything! He can never give me an answer! He can never get straight to the point!" I groaned. I was growing very annoyed and furious. Tristan came to sit by me. He put is should around me trying to calm me down. Then my phone finally buzzed. 

I hesitated to open it.



CLIFFHANGER! Don't hate me for adding a cliffhanger, I just didn't know how to end it! I know this isn't the best chapter! But please leave feedback! 

And if you have any ideas, or want something to happen, leave it in the comments! 

Please tell your friends and everything!

Love you all(: 

Chapter 4 is coming soon 

It will be just as long and action packed!


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