t w e l v e

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--omg I reached 1,000 reads! Thank you guys so much! It really means a lot!

Harry dropped all the contents in his hands.

"Harry, wait." I yelled, trying to get his attention, and to stop him from leaving. But he ignored me, and boldly walked out of the room.

I made my way over to the pile of items that he had been holding.

"What's this?" I asked Liam, he glanced over at the contents. He shuddered, with disbelief.

"T-there all the movies the boys and I usually watch when we're on the road." Liam breathed out. He winced at the pain.

"He really cared." I breathed out quietly, hardly above a whisper, glancing back down at the films. Many thoughts were running through my mind. The thought that Harry still loved me, and the acknowledged feelings for Liam. I was so confused, I had to get out.

"I-I'm gonna go." I stuttered, making my way from the room.

"Wait, Sky." Liam shouted at me, but I was far away and his pleads sounded weak, and faded. I quietly walked out of the hospital lobby, blocking out everything around me. Even the boys and Tristan yelling at me, questioning me. I just walked, to where ever my feet would take me.

My thoughts were wandering. So, I wasn't paying attention to where my feet were taking me. Straight to the hotel room. I entered through the back, attempting to not be noticed by fans.

"Hey hoe! Stop ruining Harry's life!"

"You're so ugly!"

The fans harsh words caused tears to prick at my eyes. I quickly rushed through the crowd, and made my way back up to the room. I knocked three times quietly.

"H-Harry, please let me in." I hiccuped through the tears. My tears, and the silence of the hallway, were soon interrupted at the sound of the hotel room opening to Harry.

"Sky, whats wrong?" He questioned, his eyes pleaded with concern. I jumped into his arm, making his jumper catch my tears. He pulled us into the room, and onto the couch.

"Are you gonna tell me whats wrong?" He glanced down at me, taking his thumb and rubbing it over my temple, trying to comfort me.

"It's the fans. The called me all these names and I don't even know what I did." I gulped, my tears still streaming like a waterfall. His eyes grew dark with anger, then he calmed down as they softened. Trying to contain himself, he spoke up.

"Ignore them. They only do that to anger you, and if you play to their liking, it's only gonna get worse. Be strong for me Sky." He drew me in for a close embrace. His warmth comforting, his fragrance, familiar. I miss these moments that I use to share with Harry.

I broke the hug, wiping away my last tears that fell.

"Thank you Harry. Really." I smirked a little, escaping from the thoughts of the fans, only a little.

"Why are you thanking me Sky?" Harry questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Thank you for being there for me. Honestly." My breath hitched, the tears began again. Harry took me in again, for another hug.

"Sky, I want you to know I'm always here. I promise you that." He spoke, his breaths inching closer. His mint breath stung my eye, but I took it all in. 

"Then where were you for me then Harry?" I protested, the tears coming down cold and salty. I attempted to wipe them away, but they kept coming. 

Harry sighed, clearing his throat. 

"I don't know Sky, I was stupid. It was a stupid decision. I was selfish. But I know now, that you are important to me, not just myself." Harry breathed out, barely above a whisper. His long nimble fingers trailed my chin, grazing his thumb over my bottom lip. 

"I love you Sky, I am in love with you." Harry whispered to me before crashing his lips into mine. That familiar butterfly feeling I get when ever Harry use to kiss came crawling back, and I loved it. His warm lips grazed mine, crashing and moving in unison. 

I broke the kiss, regretting it. My eyes were dry, my cheeks were rosy. 

I was so confused about my own feelings, maybe even scared. 

--thank you to everyone that has been keeping up with this fanfic, voting and commenting! 

it truly means a lot! 

and a bit of an announcement, 

I think that I am done with the trailers, and am NOT making the ones I promised. I am so sorry, I just can never make time for them! 

I have been really busy lately with school, grades. My life has been hectic, so please, do not hate me! I am so sorry to you guys! 

I would love to make youa cover in return, because those tae up less time!  So please, please, I am sorry, and try to understand! 

Thank you again everyone! (:

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