s i x t e e n

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He finally came out of the room, limping. Filled with curiosity.

"Sky, what did you do? Where's Liam?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows stepping closer to me.

"I just said some things, and he left." I quietly said. 

"Some things that didn't need to be brought up here, I'm guessing." Harry looked over at the boys. There expressions were the same. They must have never known. Something, someone, stuck out. Drawing my attention to them, blushing a bright red. Tristan. I narrowed my eyes, and looked at him with questioning eyes. 

I thought nothing of it, and carried on.  I looked back over to Harry, ready to speak, but my words stopped dead in their tracks. 

"What just happened? What were you guys talking about?" Louis stepped forward, questioning us. The rest of the boys joined in murmuring questions. I looked down and sighed, then glanced to Harry. His adams apple bobbled, ready to speak. 

"This whole thing is because of Liam. He has caused all of the this trouble, even two years ago, when we broke up." Harry's voice seemed calm, compared to mine which was raspy and ready to strike. The boys stopped, and looked over at Harry. His eyes danced over to Tristan. 

"And so is your so called best friend." Harry's eyes bored into Tristan, causing him to coward a bit. 

His face heated. "Stop, Harry." He whispered, gesturing for him to stop. Harry stood up straight.

Harry's voice, smooth like silk. "Tristan, you need to tell her." 


Sorry for such a short chapter, and late update. I wanted to get something to you guys as soon as possible! So please, so so sorry.

And hey, please let me know what you think, and if I should update, because I don't know if you want me to, and so I'm hesitant to post! So please COMMENT and tell me what you think, and VOTE! It really does help me you guys, by working harder, and getting an update as soon as possible!

Love you all! (: 


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