f o u r

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Okay so maybe this chapter isn't as long as the last, but a lot of stuff happens in this chapter. Hope you like! And make sure to share this fanfic!


Enjoy, and comment feedback and vote! 

Thanks lovies(:


Before I even had the chance to open the message, someone came running through my door. Both Tristan and I jolted out of our seats. I could hear someone rushing out of the kitchen. It was Harry. 

“Sky?! Why haven’t you been answering your phone?” Harry arms crossed over his chest.

I ruffled my eyebrows in confusion. “I was just texting you. Why haven’t you been telling me the truth?”

“Did you read the text?” He sighed.

“I was just about to before you tried to break down my door, which by the way you’re paying for.”

He face-palmed and ran his fingers through his curls. “Just read it.”

I clicked the power button and the screen flashed on. I searched the messages and finally got to the unread one.

Harry: I need to tell you in person. I’m coming over.

“Harry! Just tell me already! You’re really starting to piss me off!” I yelled as loud as possible.

Tristan shuddered a little and gave me a look that told me to calm down.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten in my head. 

One. Why won’t Harry tell me what is going on?

Two. What is he hiding that is dangerous enough he can’t even tell me?

Three. Just trust him.

Four. He is probably planning on killing you once he gets you alone. 

My mind argued with itself whether to trust him or not until I got to ten. Then it was decided.

“I’m not going with you.” I whispered as I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the brightness in the room. Harry looked at his feet and sighed. His eyes finally met mine again. 

“You need to be safe.” He huffed. 

I groaned once more and stomped my foot. “I don’t trust you anymore. I’m safe here with Tristan.”

“He can’t protect you.” Harry motioned to Tristan on the couch. “I can. I can take you somewhere where no will find us. We can be together.”

“If she doesn’t want to go, leave it.” Tristan stood up from the couch. “She makes her own decisions, not you. So I think you should leave.”

Harry stepped forward. “I’m not going anywhere without Sky.”

 They were standing so close, almost there noses were touching. They stared at each other with such intensity I thought they would start lunging for each other’s throats.

Just then Harry’s phone went off and he stepped away. He thrusted his hand into his pocket, not breaking the stare-down. 

His eyes flashed over to me and gave me a sympathetic look and headed for the door. “I gotta go. You better hope your safe with Tristan.” He spoke with such harshness. He took one last glance at us then left, slamming the door.

I started to cry, with no probable cause. I was so overwhelmed with Harry’s actions. I am still not sure what he needs to protect me from.


But that was two years ago. Everything was different. People were different. Life was different. Now I’m in London with Tristan and we’re going to university together.  

The weekend is here and the only place Tristan and I ever go to is  university, which has basically become our sanctuary away from the apartment.

“So, what should we do today? Stare at the blank television like last week?” I sighed, propping myself up on my elbows.

“Eh.” He replied with a disgusted look as he stared back at the black screen. “This is overrated.”

I nodded. “Agreed. Any suggestions? Drive around town and steer with our feet? Go to a supermarket and push each other around in the trolley?” 

Tristan let out a small chuckle. “Maybe sit next to some hobos and stroke their beards?”

“That didn’t work out so well last time. That old fella really wanted ya, Tristan.” We both broke out in hiccups of laughter. 

Tristan was holding his breath when he spoke. “You know we should just do something that won’t involve old men wanting young blood.” 

I let out a giggle. “You mean virgin blood.” I cracked a smile which won me a pillow thrown at my face from Tristan. 

“Hey, I can assure you that I am not a virgin, Sky!” 

I held out my hand. “Palm-ela doesn’t count.” I was holding my stomach from the amount of laughter that I was emitting. 

I swear I could feel a six-pack of abs coming from all of this laughing.

“Al-alright.” Tristan stuttered trying to catch his breath. “We-e should go for a walk, get some fresh air?” I totally need some fresh air, after all of this carbon dioxide we were releasing through all of these laughing spells.

We laughed our way out of our shared apartment. We made our way to the lift. The ride down felt like forever, but surely it was only seconds. 

We walked for a while, and talked about ‘virgin Tristan’ until we came to an abrupt stop. There was a crowd swarming in front of one the high end hotels. 

“Someone famous must be in town.” Tristan stated. He was probably right. 

“I wonder who.” I said as we continued to walk. We pushed our way through the crowd of screaming girls. Yeah, someone famous must be in London. I looked back when I heard a familiar voice call out my name.



For those of you that are mad because I didn't tell you why he needs to protect her, well you will find out eventually!

Keep voting and commenting!

Love you all! (: Thanks for being so supportive! 

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