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Thanks for the supportive comments on the previous chapter. 

And this chapter, was pretty much written by @swearshewas18, and that is why she recived another dedication.

I put my own flare on it sorta, but the thought was all hers.

And maybe there will be another fanfic coming soon(;

But for now, enjoy this one!


We all walked over to the couch where the boys had been watching Toy Story.

"It was Liam's choice." Niall announces motioning to Liam. This cause Liam to blush. It was cute. 

I plopped down in-between Harry and Liam. “Oh! Oh, here! Shh! This is my favorite part!” Liam announced to us.

“Liam, bro. You’ve said about every five minutes. Just shut up and let us watch it for once without interruptions.” Harry replied, eyes glued to the telly.

I turn to Liam and grin. “I think its amusing that you get so excited over a childrens’ movie.”

He blushes and sighs, his minty breath stung my eyes. “Well, after all it is quite a great film.”

“Agreed.” I half-smiled and turned back to the movie. Out of the corner of my eye I felt Harry’s eyes singe the side of my face, making me flush and sweat.

“Its not polite to stare. Have you forgotten your manners, Harold?” I leaned but kept my focus on the screen.

He scoffed and whispered into my ear, his breath sending shivers through my body like a shock. “Didn’t you know its not polite to hit on my mates when I’m right here?”

“Its not flirting, Haz. Its called casual conversation. Something you’ve never endured.” I shoot back.

I turn towards him, our faces inches apart. But I wasn’t bothered, I kept my eyes on his, shooting their attention from one to the other. “And what are you getting about? I’m not yours.”

“But you were. And you flaunting yourself around just to get me jealous is pretty low, might I add.” I gaped.

“You left me, not the other way around. And I wasn’t getting fancy with anyone. And if I was it wouldn’t be any of your business.” 

“But it is my responsibility to protect you, Sky.”

There he goes again..

“Protect me from what?” I gritted through my teeth.

He looked around and we hadn’t realized that our little chat had been heard. They were all staring wide-eyed that held a million questions. The movie was still playing, which was the only sound throughout the room.

We all exchanged looks and Harry jumped up, leaving the room and slamming a door. I sighed and sat back.

“That was intense.” Louis said in the silence. “Never seen him so pissed.”

“You guys should be getting back. Its pretty late.” Liam suggests with a bland tone. “I’ll walk you to the lift.” He says staring at me, but then moving them over to Tristan, who’s become quite comfortable between Zayn and Niall.

“Should we talk to him again?” Zayn asks Liam, getting up from between the two boys. 

Liam only shook his head. “Best to leave him alone. He was like this last time we brought up this subject, seems to be a troubling one for him. Got punched out for it.”

“Well-” I stand on my feet, flattening out my shirt. “I’ll take that walk to the lift.”

Liam’s eyes looked as if they smiled. “Y-yeah. Let’s go.”

But he only sat there. I felt as if I were in a trance, my legs felt immobile and my breathing went shallow. I almost forgot where I was and my purpose. I blinked back into reality.

“So, are we going?” Tristan asked standing by the door, looking very annoyed.

I shook myself. “Yeah, sorry.”

I slowly moved and felt a warm embrace behind me as they hurried me out of the door. I looked back and saw Liam grin. He held my waist as he pushed me along.

“I am pretty sure I can walk from here.” I chuckle and move his hands, escaping the warmth and my cheeks heating up.

He nodded. “Just looked a little lost there, Sky.” I kinda was. In my own world of thought. 

We walked to the lift. 

"It was nice to meet you Sky. Tristan." Liam smiled. There was something in his eye, but he looked away to fast for me to decipher it. 

"Y-yeah. Nice you meet you Liam." I smiled at the ground probably showing insecurities. Liam fought to meet with my eyes. 

"See you soon?" Liam shrugged. He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah." I smiled then quickly turned on my heels. 

Once we were bound in the lift, Tristan shot his eyes at mine and smiled.

"Well someones crushing." Tristan did a little dance. I started to blush. 

"YOU ARE! OMG!" Tristan shrieked. Ah, yes, Tristan love speaking text out-loud. Me, I wasn't a fan. His phrase caused me to face-palm. 

"I am not saying anything." I smiled turning my head to look down at where we were going. The hotel was being bombarded. I was'nt surprised. There is a world known boy band a few floors up. 

The lift took forever. I looked over at Tristan. I was dreading the fact that we had to swim our way through the sea of people. I sighed. 

"You ready?" I breathed out?

"As ready as I will ever be." Tristan trailed off. And we were off.



A lot of credit for this chapter goes to @swearshewas18! I really want to thank her! She has helped me a lot! 

Check out her fanfics! There brilliant(:

But, please leave feedback. 

Oh, and, if you'd like, follow m on the social networks!

Twitter: @alexxiss_

Instagram: @alexissxc

I will follow back. 

But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and tomorrow I have no school, so WRITING & UPDATING ALL DAY! (They cancelled because of snow/ice) 

Thanks again everyon! Love you all! 


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