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Here is chapter 6! I hope you all like it! 

I got great feedback from a lot of you, and I want to thank all of you for it! It really means a lot that so many of you like it and leave such sweet comments.! I really hope this fanfic goes somewhere, and with all of your guys' support, I know it is.

So thanks again!


  We continued to walk. I gotta admit, it would be cool to meet some famous people. And it would be nice to catch up with Harry. I mean, who's too hold a grudge for two whole years. That's kinda ridiculous. So I guess I may give in. 

"So, was it weird seeing him again in two years?" Tristan spoke while following his feet with his eyes. 

"Yes, and no.." I began with a huff. "I mean, he's different. He is kinda famous." Tristan interrupted me. 

"You mean really famous, he kinda has mobs of screaming girls following him everywhere he goes." Tristan leaned in. 

"Okay, really famous. And he acted like nothing happened between us, as in the break up, as in him breaking my heart." I looked  down. I was kinda scared of the past at this point. "He isn't the most truthful lad there is." That's defiantly true. Never told me the truth about anything. 

"Good point." Tristan said sneaking a chuckle. As we continued to walk, my phone did a dance in my hands as it buzzed. It was a text from Harry. 

Harry: Hello Sky. You looked lovely by the way... x

I showed the text to Tristan. We both let out a small giggle. I was actually starting to blush. 

Me: Hi Harry. Thanks, I guess...

I just left it at that. Then my phone buzzed again. 

Harry: So how about coming to meet the lads at the hotel? x

I still wasn't sure about doing that. 

"What should I say?" I turned to Tristan for answers. 

"I think you should go. I mean, it would be nice for you guys to catch up. And maybe the rest of the boys are cute." Tristan added a wink to the end. Cheeky guy. I laughed under my breath at my ow thoughts. 

I hesitated to text Harry back.

Me: Yeah, uh, we will be over in a bit. How are we suppose to avoid the sea of girls??

We continued to talk and walk our way to the hotel only around the corner. Harry eventually texts me back. 

Harry: Oh, uh I will tell security your coming, so just push through the females. See you in a bit. x

"So I guess we are going to go meet One Direction." I said looking from my phone to Tristan. 


We made our way back to the mob of screaming teens. We pushed our ways through the mob. Tristan's sassiness spoke true. 

"MOVE! Um, excuse me hoe! VIP coming through!" He yelled. I laughed the whole time. Once we got to the door, we were coldly greeted by security. He was tall, and very muscular. 

"NO! You aren't going to come in here either." He said with a deep voice familiar Irish accent. I looked him in the eyes, he hesitated. "Oh, you're Sky. Go ahead." He eyed me as I walked in the hotel. 

"Um.." Tristan questioned. I knew we were thinking the same exact thing.  We made our way to the lift, we weren't sure where the guys were. 

"Hello Sky! Tristan.." Harry exited the lift in the lobby. His arms were open expecting a hug, so I went for it. His embrace was warm, and he has upgraded his cologne. I mean I would hope so sense he does have the money. He smells yum. Harry then pulled me from my half-conscious state of basking in his scent. "So, lets go meet the gang, shall we?" He shot me a grin, showing his nice teeth causing me to smile back. 

All three of us made our way to the lift in a silence. The journey to the top of the hotel felt like eternity, and the silence didnt help the fact. Tristan finally broke it. 

"So how's life being a band?" He asks looking through the glass wall of the lift. Harry lit up. 

"It's great! The people are great, I am living my dream." He looked up and smiled bigger. 

"I wasn't aware of your singing?" I questioned. He never told me about his 'hidden' talent. He didn't reply. I slumped up to the wall of the lift. 

DING! The lift sounded, and the doors opened. We walked out, following Harry. Once we came to the room, Harry fumbled with his room key. The light turning red, until someone came to open it. 

"Having trouble there Harold?" A guy with blonde hair, brown roots, and an Irish accent opened the door. I mus admit, he is pretty fit. "And you brought guests!" His accent rolled with excitement. 

"Yeah, Niall this is Sky, the one I've been telling you about." I wasn't expecting that to come from Harry. "And her friend Tristan." Niall embraced me with a hug. He smelled nice as well. 

"I'm Niall!" He spoke with enthusiasm.

As we walked farther into the room, I seen three more, what I assumed to be band members, lingering on the couch.

"Guys, Harry brought guests." Niall yelled to the rest of the boys, there heads shot over to us. They all walked over to meet us. 

"Hello, I'm Zayn." A tall, tattooed, tall-haired, cutie approached us. He shot me a shy smile.

"Hello love! I'm Louis!" A shorter guy with tossled hair, and cute scruff came walking up after with a cheesy grin.

"And I am Liam."  My eyes locked immediately with Liam's. His brown eyes pierced right through mine. I couldn't help but blush. He smiled, I'm guessing he seen my red cheeks. He was tall, built incredibly, and quite fit. 

"This is Sky and Tristan." Harry smiled introducing us to everyone. My eyes wandered at first, but then eventually reunited with Liam's.

"Told ya!" Tristan playfully punched my shoulder. Yeah, he did tell me and he was right. They were very fit. 



Well there ya have it! Chapter 6! 

Was the title misleading? lol 

And yes, I am very surprised myself but I wanted to surprise you guys with two chapters in the same day, sorta. But yeah! 

I hope you like it! And make sure to check out my trailer for "Where From Here" its on youtube and posted on chapter 5!


Thanks loves(:


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