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I am sorry I haven't updated, but I am sick with the flu! :( That's why I haven't been able to do much. 

And as I am typing this, It is 12:06, 6 minutes into 2014! How exciting! I hope everyone had a better New Year than me!

But I am so happy that so many people have grown fond of this fanfic!

And question for you all. Who ships Sarry? Or do you ship Sristan? Comment who you ship in the comments! And if you got a better name, holler at me! 

And i am forewarning, this chapter will be a little on the short side because I'm still really sick, and I want to update so l just shortened it so I can get better, and still be active with this!

Well, back to the chapter!


The source of the familiar voice was from none other than, Harry Edward Styles. The boy that broke my heart. (Now I should say man, because damn!)

 I quickly turned on my heels to make my escape, but he stopped me. Stood right in my path. His big broad shoulders, and perfect jawline. Wait, what am I saying?! I hated him!

 “Sky! Hey!” He said with such joy in his tone. Don’t know where its all coming from. I kept my head down, and dodged him. Walked right around him. 

I felt slight pressure round my wrist and was pulled back into the embrace I have grown to hate. “Harry.” I struggled. “Let me go! Now!”

Harry released me with a stunned look. “Sky, what’s wrong? Didn’t you miss me?”

I just wanted to spat back in his face and humiliate him in front of the crowds of girls gathered around us. “Why Harold, darling. How could I possibly miss you? After all I have grown to love the ladies now.”

I winked at one of the girls and she blushed.

I happily grinned and linked arms with Tristan and we busted into laughter as we fled from the crowd.

“Nicely played.” Tristan whispered without glancing up at me.

 I just giggled until we turned the corner and out of view of Harry and his girly minions. Yeah, maybe I played it off that I didn't miss him, but I actually did. I hate myself for saying it, but I do. It has been two long years without seeing him, and now that I see him I think i have missed him.

I looked down at the rocky cement. We were still on our hike to nowhere. But then I heard footsteps running up from behind us. I looked at Tristan, hencing that she we should speed up our pace. Then a heavy, large, manly hand rested on my shoulder. I let out a slight scream, because, frankly, it scared me for a hot second until I turned to realize who it was. It was Harry.

"Sky, hey." Harry spoke in a less joyful tone. Maybe he was hurt with my words?

"Hello Harold." I said with sternness. I glanced over at Tristan who was following Hary's eyes with his own. Harry's curls were pushed back in what looked to be a bandana. His black t-shirt hung over his shoulder like he was mugged. Probably those insane girls.

"I am sorry for the mob. What can I say, our fans love us?" Harry shot me a grin when he was talking. I was confused. Fans? Us? As in plural? As in there are more of him? Yeah, I have practically lived under a rock for the past two years of my life. I have isolated my self from everyone and everything except Tristan. I took staying safe into my own hands, and did just that. Secluded myself from the outside world.

"Um fans?" Confusion slipped out of my mouth with these words. He looked at me blankly. 

"Yes?" He waited for a reply, I wasn't bound to give him one. "I am in a band? One Direction?" His eyebrows were scrunched up with confusion. I still am new to this. Like I said. Under a rock for two years. 

"How fascinating." I said sarcastically. I playfully hit his toned chest. Wow. STOP SKY! 

"I would love for you to come back to the hotel and meet the boys. I mean, only if you want. And we can catch up. And again, only if you want." Harry looked me in my eyes, and i returned the favor. We were standing there on a sidewalk in London, in silence. Until Harry finally broke it. "I am quite surprised no one has caught me here yet." Yeah, basking in all his fame and glory. Go right ahead Styles. 

The thought of 'not getting caught' didn't last long. Not to long after the remark, swarms of screaming girls came running around the corner. "Well we will get going now." I chuckle. As I start to walk off, I look back at Harry to see him what looks to be signing something. 

"He's probably signing a pair of boobs." Tristan laughs after being quiet for so long. Harry calls back to me. 

"I will text you then!" He hollers over the female screams.



Well there ya have it! And yeah this chapter wasn't the best, but I'm sick. Cut me some slack! lol

But a lot of you are curious about what Harry must protect sky from. Well, maybe you will find out next chapter. *smiles a mischievous grin*

Make sure to leave feedback, add it to your reading list, tell some of your wattpad friends! Get the word out there about "Where From Here"!

And still need some trailers, I tried to make one but idk bout it. So if you make one and post it, email me the link and I would love to see it!

So, Sarry? Or Sristian? 


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