e l e v e n

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-I'm debating if i should delete this or stop, because i feel no one is even interested anymore!-

I rushed to check on Liam, Niall was right, he was still lying there, weak. Tristan and the boys, except Harry, were surrounding him. 

"Back up, give him space." I spat, irritated, and worried at the same time. 

"Sky?" I heard Liam's weak voice break through faintly. I finally met my eyes with his. His face was red, his neck was covered in hand prints. Harry's. I slowly felt my heart break. 

"Yes, I'm here Liam." I breathed out. I small smirk grew on my lips. He smiled lightly back. 

"I hurt." His grin faded. I sighed with annoyance.

"I know Liam, what Harry did to you was horrible and-" He quickly cut me off. 

"Please.." He trailed, the incident, bruises, and the pain were all to fresh. 

"I think you need to go to the hospital, Liam." I huffed. His eyes got bigger, he wasn't happy with what I had to say. 

"We have a show tonight, I can't just leave the fans hanging. They're expecting us." Liam rambled. Obviously scared of the consequences. 

"You mean, we," Louis chimed in. "Sky is right, it need to go to the hospital, you could have broken ribs. And we will be there with you. We're a family." Louis' face softened. 

Liam sighed with realization.

"Fine. But, I don't want Harry there." Liam scoffed. 

"You don't want me where?" Harry walked in the room, tears were evident in his eyes. Liam scooted closer to the bed, trying to avoice Harry's presences, and his questions. 

"Harry, we have to take Liam to the hospital." I snapped. How could he have done this? To his best mate? He put him in the hospital, trying to protect me!

I huffed, annoyed by Harry. His face dropped. 

"W-what?" He questioned, shocked. I don't think he knew what he was capable of. I parted my lips, ready to speak. I was livid. But instead, Tristan cut me off, and told Harry. He always knew when I was upset. 

"We think Liam broke his ribs. He really needs to get to the hospital." Tristan breathed, I could see in his eyes, he wasn't pleased either. I focused my attention back to the limp, weak Liam. I smirked, showing that I truly cared. He warmly smiled back. 

"We should get going." Zayn hummed. We then got some of Liam's things, and the boys carried him to Niall's range rover. Even Harry. 


We walked into the entrance of the tall, hospital. I was always uncomfortable with hospitals. I practically spent half of my year of being thirteen. But that story is for another day. 

As we made our way to the front desk of the E.R. A plump, short, timid lady sat there. Louis approached the lady.

"We really need a doctor to see him, we think he broke his ribs." Louis fumbled on his words. I was stopped at the front of the lobby, by the door, when a large hand grabbed hold of my wrist. I snapped around, to see Harry. I huffed at the sight of his face. I was fuming. 

"Sky, please. Just listen," he furrowed his eyebrows, "I am so sorry, I'm gonna leave, but please tell Liam that I'm sorry. Really sorry." He let go of the grip on my wrist, and left. I sighed, he was being so, weird. 

I walked over to the rest of th boys.

"Liam, Harry says he is truly sorry." I spoke with hesitance in my voice. Liam looked up at me from the wheelchair he was sitting in. The expression on his face, he was shocked. 

"Really? I'm surprised he cared." He protested, unaware how much Harry really did care. 


Liam was admitted to a room about an hour after Harry left. everyone had gone home to check on Harry. Except Tristan and I. We decided to give Liam some company. 

"I am going to check out the vending machine, want anything?" Tristan chimed in the laughter that was filling the room between the three of us. We both shook our had, had just eaten hospital macaroni.  

"Suit yourselves." Tristan shot is hands up, and left. 

"How ya feeling?" I asked Liam. He nodded. 

"Better, I guess. Don't know if I can feel better if my best mate. Or ex, best mate broke my ribs." He chuckled. He was right though. 

"What he did to was horrible, I don't understand what is gotten in to him?" I huffed. Liam spoke up.

"You, Sky. It's you. He loves you and doesn't think you should associate yourself with me." Liam turned in the hard, hospital bed. I sighed. 

"But why not? I am a twenty year old woman. Why can't I be happy? And what's so wrong with you, I mean. I think you're pretty cool." I smirked. Liam chuckled. 

"So I guess the feeling is mutual." He smiled. 

Liam leaned up, slowly, out of his bed moving his lips closer to mine. Then they connected, ever so sweetly. My eyes fluttered shut with happiness. 

We jerked apart at the disturbance at the door. 

It was Harry, standing there, staring blankly. Shocked and upset.


--Hope you all like it! 

I am so close to 1k reads! Omg thank you guys so much! 

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