f o u r t e e n

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"What?" I question, my eyes widened. Liam turned his gaze toward me.

"I know everything, Harry told me. That's what the movies were all about." Liam breathed out, trying to straighten his posture. "He wanted to tell me, to tell me why he must have you. And that is absolutely ridiculous." Liam narrowed his eyes at Harry, trying to clam himself down.

I could feel the anger boiling in my blood. And Harry's at it again.

"What is he talking about Harry?" I narrowed my eyes, and furrowed my eyebrows over at Harry. I glanced over, and the rest of the crew was slowly backing away. I could feel my face getting red, from the anger that was building up. I'm sure you can see steam.

"I-" Harry stuttered, finding it hard to find the right words. At this point, I had no sympathy.

"You what Harry?" I spat, stepping closer, hoping to intimidate him into telling the truth this time. Harry's face went pale, his eyes watering.

"I tried. I tried." Harry spoke, only in a whisper. I could barely hear what was saying, which was really working at my nerves this time.

Tears were now falling from his, bold, green eyes. My face was still flushed with anger. I was so over this.

"Harry Edward Styles, tell me what the hell is going on right now. I have had it." I could feel a heat behind my eyes, playing with my emotions. My vision was getting blurred.

My shoulders relaxed, and I softened my eyes.

"I am so sorry Sky. I'm sorry." Harry's voice trailed to silence. He made his way over to the door, leaving in a flash.

The heat in my chest worked up again, causing anger to run through out my body.

"Why is he always leaving? Why is he always leaving me?" My voice trailed. That heat behind my eyes grew, and eventually became full on tears. Liam limped over to my position, which was now on the floor, in a fetal position.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, rubbing soothing circles on my side with his thumb. I wiped the wetness from my cheeks, with the heel of my hand.

"I'm here for you Sky. Promise." Liam's chocolate eyes, met mine. A small smile grew on my face. 

"Hate to break up this moment, but we should go look for Harry." Niall speaks up, motioning to the door. 

"Yeah, we should all go, to cover more ground." Tristan suggests. 

"Good thinking." I speak lightly. I hop up from sitting on the floor, and straighten my self from the awkward position i was in. 

We all grab our jackets. As I walk out the door, Liam grabs my wrist. He twirls me around so our faces are only inches apart. 

"Just remember, whatever happens." We're so close, I am breathing his air, and his breath is stinging my eyes. He crashes his lips into mine, for the second time, biting my bottom lip. A breath hitches in my throat. 

I slightly push us apart, and stepping into the hallway of the hotel, trying to make things less awkward then they already are.


It's past midnight, and Harry is no where to be found. I try to call him one last time. 

I pull out my phone with shaky hands, my nerves are taking over. I tap the numbers on my phone, of Harry's number. 




"H-hello." I here a raspy voice at the end of the phone, full of pain. 

"Harry! Where are you Harry?" I yell into the phone. I am alone, the rest of the group when searching elsewhere. 

"I-I don't know. Sky, I'm scared." Harry's voice squeaked, something is not right.

"Okay, Harry I'm gonna come get you, okay?" I tried to sound as sincere, and supportive as possible. 

"Please hurry." Harry coughed out, attempting to audible. 

"Harry, what do you see? What are you near?" I begin walking, where, I don't know. 

"I-It's dark. I think I'm in an alley." Harry stutters. I my heart begins dropping, at the sound of his limp, weak voice. 

"Can you see at the end of it?" I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping he can, so I can find him, and him feel better.

"Y-Yeah, there is a gas station." He huffs out, it's getting to the point to where I can barely hear what he is saying. 

"Okay, I think I know where you are. Stay strong for me, Harry." I muster, my voice tense, and rigid with so much worry. I hear a small chuckle, and then a groan of pain at the end of the line.

"Now you sound like me." Harry breathes. I smile, happy with his spirits being lightened. 

My feet take me to the spot that I think Harry is at, I pass the only gas station in close distance, and immediately turn down the alley, nervous.

"Harry?" I yell, hopefully loud enough he will hear me. 

"Sky." I hear a pain filled voice groan my name, and I know it's Harry.

I rush to the voice. 

"Oh my god, Harry. What happened?" I look down at Harry, who's hair is tasseled everywhere, small bruises line his cheek bones, that glisten in the street lights. 

"I-I don't know." He stuttered, barely making words out. His arms were around his stomach, and you could see in his face, it was because of pain. 

"Harry, please don't leave out on us like that again. We were so worried. I was worried." My voice trailed, looking into Harry's eyes, that were now dark. "Come on, lets try to get you back to the hotel." I muttered, motioning him to stand up, as I leaned down and tried to help. 


We finally made our way back to the hotel room, peacefully. Harry was lying in his room, trying to rest up and heal.

"I'm gonna go check on Harry." I motioned to the end of the hallway, the boys nodded.

I made my way to his room, and quietly walked in. Harry's hair was disheveled. He was asleep. A quiet snore erupted from his pouted lips. I let out a small giggle. I sit on the edge of the bed next to him. 

"Why won't you tell me the truth?" I say to myself, questioning everything. 

Questioning how we got to the this point. 

Harry moved around in the bed, finally waking up, causing me to jump from the bed.

"Uh sorry, just came to see how you are doing." I murmur quietly, making my to the exit of the room. 

"Sky sit down." Harry spoke through his sleepy voice. He sighed, patting the bed for me to sit, which I did. 

"I'll tell you." 

-- A/N 

This is so patchy and ugh. 

But please COMMENT! Please let me know what you think, and don't forget to vote! 

Please, i feel like no one like this. 

But anyhow, please COMMENT & VOTE! 

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