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Jacquelyn P.O.V.

I watched Bruno pack as he was prepared to go back on tour. He was beginning the North American tour, and his first show was in New York at Madison Square Garden.

I sat in the bed just hoping to get every word in before I watch him go off. "I'm going to miss you Bruno. So much." I say. I'm going to miss you too." He kissed my forehead. "Are you sure you want to stay here? I can get you a hotel or something." He suggested. "No, I feel a little more safe here." I said.

He smiled at me and said, "You're so cute." Bruno walked into the closet and said, "Touring goes by really fast so I'll be back very soon." "I know. I just want to have you all to myself."

Bruno walked out of the closet with a his hand balled up. "Well you can." He handed me a jeweled necklace with the Letter B. "It was a present for me a long time ago, and I don't know, just never cared to wear it. But now I want you to wear it. So I'm always with you."

I was speechless at his present to me. "Bruno...I don't know what to say." "You don't have to say anything." He smiled. I pulled my hair to the side and allowed him to put it on.

"Go look at it in the mirror." He said. I jumped out of bed and looked in the mirror. I watched the necklace glisten in the light and I couldn't help but admire it's sparkle. Bruno came behind me, holding my arms and kissing my neck. "You like it?" He asked. "I love it."

I watched him continue to kiss my neck along with my shoulders. "I'll miss these kinds of moments." I said. "I will too, but please, don't stress it. Matter of fact, I do have something else for you." He giggled.

"More surprises?" I laughed. Bruno went into his drawer and dug through his folded clohes. "This is like the golden ticket." He said. "This is like a key to all my concerts." Bruno handed me a VIP pass connected to a black lanyard. "You just need to tell me when you are coming, so I can let security know to allow you in back stage." I was so happy to get this, but I couldn't abuse this power. I had to use it for necessary reasons.

"Thank you babe." I kissed him on his lips." "You're welcome. Well, I need to finish packing, before the van comes." He concluded.

About 4 and a half hours later, the van pulled up to the house and honked the horn. "Okay, I left the alarm code on the kitchen counter." Bruno said while pulling his luggage down the stairs as I followed behind him. "And you have the keys to the front and back door?" "Yes." I answered. "Shit! Where's my hat!?" Bruno asked in frustration once he made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Right here sweetie." I laughed as I jokingly hid it behind my back.

I walked Bruno out to the van and I helped him put everything in the trunk. "That's everything." Bruno says to the driver. He walked to the back seat and closed the door. Bruno rolled down the window, and just smiled at me. "Be safe." I say to him. "I will. Keep a close eye on everything, if you know what I mean." He said holding my hand. "I will do the best I can."

Bruno adjusted his hat and appeared worried. "If I could, you'd be coming with me on this tour. But I cant. I'm just not comfortable with you being alone." Bruno said. "Bruno, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl." "You're right. I love you." He kissed me. "I love you too. Have fun." He looked down and tapped the drivers seat. "Let's go." He said. Bruno looked at me until he couldn't see me anymore.

As I walked back into the house, my cell phone began to ring. "B" was calling me. Wow, less than 5 minutes, he wanted to hear my voice, and God knows I wanted to hear his.

"Hello?" "Hey baby." A man with a deep voice answered. "It's Benjamin....we need to talk."

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