Welcome Home

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I carried Victoria to her new room, with no wires, no seclusion, no beeping monitors, just complete quiteness. Jacquelyn followed behind me while I carried our daughter to the nursery.

I carefully set her in the crib and watched her sleep. "She's absolutely beautiful." Jacquelyn held me, while she watch Victoria. "I agree. I'm so thankful for her and for you too." I looked down at her and kissed her. She put her hand on my cheek as she was being devoured by my kiss. "Let's leave her be." She broke the kiss and laughed. I agreed and we left the room, and went to ours.

"Bruno." Jacquelyn said as I crawled back into bed. "Yeah?" Jacquelyn put her hair into a ponytail, and as she did so, she asked, "Remember when you were willing to show me what true love is?" "Yeah? Why?" I asked. She crawled into bed with me, and laid her hand on my chest. "Well, Bruno...I am in love with you. Deeply in love."

I couldn't help but smile. "Jaquelyn, I am in love with you, and I love you even more for giving me a beautiful baby girl." She kissed and straddled me.

She curled her fingers with mine, but everytime I look her in the eyes, I think of the nightmare I had the other day. I wanted to talk to her about it so bad, but something was just telling me no. I don't think she'd understand how my dreams have treated me in the past or how they do now. All I wanted was to enjoy this moment we were having right now, at this very moment.

I had fell asleep, and missed the whole day. "He's what?" I heard Jacquelyn shout. "You're fucking joking right now!" I jumped out of bed and followed the voice of Jacquelyn coming from downstairs. "Goddammit!" Jacquelyn slapped the wall in anger.

"Jackie, what's wrong?" I asked. She turned and was shocked that I had walked in on her. "Oh...you know...those damn...women from the Real Housewives. They're all full of drama." She laughed, although I knew it was fake. I crossed my arms and said, "Which one?" Her eyes danced. "....Atlanta." I knew she was lying. I knew she didn't watch that show. She told me how she despised those kinds of shows.

"Jacquelyn, stop lying to me. Just tell me!" I say. "Bruno, I can't." She walked to the kitchen, pulling out milk for the baby. "And why not? I thought we're supposed to tell each other everything." "We are." She poured the milk in a pot to warm it up. "So why aren't you being truthful?" "Because I can't Bruno! Sometimes, things are better left unsaid." She placed her hand on her forehead. "Well how can I trust you, if you can't tell me things? What else have you been lying to me about?" I was becoming angry. "Bruno, I haven't lied to you...well, except that time about my age, but we've been passed that." She pulled her hair behind her ears and said, "You just don't understand. I'll tell you, but..." "But what Jacquelyn?" "Not right now."

We both began to hear Victoria crying through the baby monitor. "I don't want to argue with you Bruno. Okay?" I didn't say anything. "I need to go check on the baby."

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