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It's been a couple of weeks now, and Jacquelyn and I have been getting better. We still have rocky moments, but it's better than before.

Jacquelyn had been napping all day and it gave me time to continue writing music. Ever since I've met Jacquelyn, I've been having all of these ideas. Spectacular ideas for songs, now I just need to write them onto my notepad. I was having rhythms and beats in my head, I had to let them out. I was hitting the drums, and strumming some guitars. This was the sound I've been looking for all my life.

"Uhhhh." I heard Jacquelyn moaning. I ignored the sound and continued my song writing. I then began to hear her crying. "Jackie?" I called. "Bruno...." She whined. She sounded as if she were in extreme pain.

I ran upstairs and went into the room she was in. She was holding her stomach in agonizing pain. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm having pain. Oh my God it hurts so bad." She grunted, "Just get me to a hospital!"

When we arrived to the hospital, I walked Jacquelyn inside and had her take a seat. "How can I help you sir?" The woman at the reception desk asked. "My girlfriend claims to be having abdominal pains, and she's pregnant, so we need a doctors assistance." I said. "Right away sir. Please, just sit with her, until I get a doctor for you." "Thank you so much." "Can I get her name?" She asked. "Jacquelyn. Jacquelyn Laney."

I walked back to Jacquelyn and sat by her. "Oh God. Bruno it hurts so much." She cried as she gripped my hand tightly. "It'll be over soon, just be strong for me." She closed her eyes, and tried to forget the pain.

"Laney, Jacquelyn." An assistant called. I helped Jacquelyn get up and walked her to the door.

"Okay Ms. Laney, we are going to use the sonogram to check the progress of the baby and we will address the pain you are having." The assistant said. She had Jackie lay on the bed and wait.

"Good afternoon." An OB/GYN doctor walked in. "What seems to be the problem?" She asked calmly as she set her paper work down onto the counter. "I'm having these...ugh!" Jacquelyn attempted to explain. "Pains, like a menstrual. Oh my God, it hurts so bad!" She cried. I held Jacquelyn's hand, hoping it'd calm her down.

"Okay, let's take a look at the baby. To see if anything has changed." She said. As the doctor spread the gel she asked, "When is your due date?" "January 5th." Jacquelyn says.

She spread the monitor and found the baby in an instant. "Well, Ms. Laney, it looks like you're going to have your baby a month and a half early. The baby has dropped, so those pains you're feeling, are contractions." She said. "I'm going to call the labor and delivery nurses to wheel you to your designated room, and I will join you in birthing your healthy child." She smiled.

She dialed the phone that was in the room and called for the nurses to pick me up.

When we entered the delivery room, I could smell the alcohol in the air. Jacquelyn constantly groaned and grunted as the pain increased. "Jacquelyn you're 6 centimeters dialated." The doctor said. All we could do now, was wait.

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