A Familar tune

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Ughhh I'm sooo busy sigh😥💨 well onto the story

You pulled away from G even though you didn't want to and took a deep breath relxing a bit more.

"I.....remembered things...about my past" you say softly not looking at him as if you wear ashamed

"I see what did you remember?" he asked and you flinched

"Better yet just tell me when your ready...." G said quickly noticing how uncomfortable you were

"No its okay......I.....my parents gave me away for experimentation when I was 5 and in return they got money.....there are bits and pieces missing here and there but......." you trailed off not wanting to talk about it any longer.

"It's okay you don't have to say anything more" G said in understanding

You looked up at him and gave him a thankful smile then looked away again. You couldn't help the feeling you had in your chest.

You felt a sudden pang at the back of your head, you knew what that meant it wanted to speak with you but you wanted nothing to do with it. The feeling got more intense and you finally gave in.

"Ah....G...could give me some time to think to myself.....please" you asked without looking at him

He was quite for awhile and then agreed and left your room.

"If you need anything just call okay?"

You shook your head and gave him a small smile. He closed the door and then you scowled.

......your pov.....

"Finally that walking bag of bones is gone....I really do hate him....."

"What the he'll do you want"

"Hehehe don't be so upset did you not like my little gift"

"Go back to he'll where you came from!"

"I'll take that as a no....though there is some things I want to say to you face to face...."

Suddenly a black haze was forming in front of you until it showed to be a shadowy figure of body.

"Tch" I say scooting back as far away as possible

"Hmm I'm so close to getting what I want ....." it said looking at its shadowed hands then it looked back up at you its red eyes seeing straight through you.

"You know your quite a clever girl"

"......" I stayed silent eyeing the thing as it walked around my room

"You still managed to alter your memories....you don't really think that's how everything went did you?"

"What do yo....." I didn't finish as it put its hands up

"I don't want to spoil it....plus I like watching you suffer"

I looked at it with disgust " why the hell won't you leave me alone!!"

"Why?....because you deserve it of course, I want to see you break slowly......its only fair"

"Fair!?!?! I haven't done anything!!"

" ...........Hehe you truly are entertaining..i can't wait to see the look on your face when you find out"

"I will find a way to get rid of you"

"And how do you plan to do that hmm? You rely on me....you always call on me....you can't do without me" it said sitting on my bed close to me

PASSION Gaster Sans X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now