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I think I have everything organized so far.......(if I say that I'll just jinx myself and end up getting stressed again......😥😓😩)...... Anyways I'm !!! Deciding wether or not to make this a short chapter...meh Well see as we go along the way😝.


You and Frisk sat on your bed while the music box played. Frisk was so full of energy she looked like she would burst. You giggled at the thought.

"So...what's the big exciting news?"

Frisk only smiled and held out her hand. You looked down in confusion and saw it. It was a beautiful diamond ring that sparkled ever so brightly. You were at loss for worlds it felt like your heart stopped and you were no longer breathing your face was completely blank.

"A....ring....." you said breathlessly

"Yes!! G..... he proposed!!" frisk said happily

You held frisks hand as yours shook, you couldn't look her in the face and before you knew it tears were dripping down your face drop by drop. Frisk who was just smiling had her face laced with worry.

"Y/N are you okay?" she said putting her other hand on your shoulder

You shook your head and looked up at her with a forced smile trying to wipe the tears that stilled continued to fall.

"No...I'm Happy...I...I'm happy I'm crying...tears...your getting..m..Mar......No..I'm not happy....I hate this!" You said now sobbing into your hands

"YN I don't....I don't understand....I would be.....happy for me" frisk said looking at you with a sad look. She tried to touch you but you shrugged away from her.

"You don't know how this feels..." you say softly

"What are you talking about -"

You looked up at her tears pouring down your face"YOU DONT KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO HAVE SOMEONE YOU LOVE MARRY YOUR BEST FRIEND!!" you yelled out

It was silent for awhile and your eyes widened in realization at What you said you looked at frisk to see she had a look of shock on her face. You stood up abruptly knocking the music box onto the floor and and it stopped its music Frisk looked like she was about to say something but you ran out your room only to knock into G who also had a look of shock on his face You shook your head running past him and out the door.

"YN wait!!!" frisk yelled running after you but you didn't stop.

......Your Pic....

"He heard what I said!?!"

"I can't believe I said that" I yelled in my head still running down the side walk

"YN!!!" I heard frisk yell behind me. I looked back to see she was catching up and I put more speed into my legs....but frisk was to determined.

"Haha haha" I heard her laughter in my mind. I put my hand to my ears.' now'

"What's the matter yn? Didn't you miss me?" it chuckled


"It hurts doesn't it.....this would've happened sooner or later....and eventually you would call on me...." it laughed again

'JUST LAEVE ME ALONE!!!' I screamed at her. I suddenly felt myself be pulled back and looked to see Frisk holding onto my wrist out of breath. I then began to struggle from her so she would let go.


I didn't want to hear it and tried to maker her let go.

"Let go of me frisk!!"
"Say don't you want to make her feel the same pain"

"You don't have to run away yn"

"Let go!"
"Come on don't you think she deserves it....."

"YN let's talk abo-"

"I SAID LET ME GO!!" I finally yelled and pushed frisk a bit to hard as she lost her balance and my eyes widened in horror.





Time had seem to go in slow motion as I watched frisk fall into the onto coming car I hadn't even realize I was screaming when it happened. Blood had splattered catching a bit on my face and clothes. Everything stopped for me I couldn't move I couldn't speak I couldn't do anything. I had snapped back to reality when I heard G voice.

"FRISK!!!!" he screamed and he was kneeling right next to her. Her blood pooling the ground the ring she once had around her finger no longer there it was destroyed. I blinked a couple of times trying to register what had just happened...this couldn't be real right? Frisk isnt dead right...I tried to convince myself but seeing the tears that streamed down Gs face only made the reality that much painful.

"F......frisk?" my voice broke saying her name. I tried to come closer but G stopped me.

"DONT YOU DARE TAKE ANOTHER STEP!!" he yelled his eye growing yellow threatningly...I stepped back with a whimper and tears began to pour again.

" an .....accident.....I...I......" I shakily said trying not to completely break down

"JUST GET AWAY FROM HERE....I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE......CAUSE IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN YOUD BE DEAD RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND" he said darkly and I backed away and began running never looking back.

Tears poured down my face as ran down the street never stopping. My breathing was shallow but I didn't care.

"It was an accident...I didn't mean to.....I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry....." I repeated in my head over and over. I didn't see where I was going and tripped of over rock landing on my face. I groaned in pain tears cascading down my face. I layed there crying I didn't have it in me to get up.

"Hahahahahahahahaha" I heard he demonic cackle and I felt a presence in front of me

I looked up she was stopped in front of me her figure becoming more was familiar.

"How does it feel to know you killed your 'best friend'?" she laughed again

I only cried I couldn't say anything to her.

"Hehehe don't still have me...."

"I'm always here when you have no one....."

Yeah its short. This shouldn't warrant any feels but if you did get feels from this just play the video above I died laughing from this ....I cried tears of laughter😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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