A little extra with G

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G was in a separate area of a room when he heard noises down the hall. He sighed in annoyance and went to check it out. He was wearing his lab coat and his eye sockets.......(nope I can't) his eyes looked tired, actually overall he seemed tired. The two years were hard on G. After the whole thing with frisk he stayed locked up in his room for a whole year only coming out when it was necessary which was hardly likely. He would sometimes have anger outbursts......basically he was crueler now, his usual kind self was gone.

He even tried to take his life once but PAPYRUS luckily caught him in time. He hated you, he hated you with his whole being , you don't question his hate for you right? You don't thing it's right for you to question it right?

If it's an question you ask its quite simple to answer, how would you feel if it was you. Someone you loved with your life.....someone you would die for.....someone who made you feel complete died by the hands of someone you would consider close as family a sibling and all for what?

It remained a mystery to him he never understood why you did it. He was there when it happened you pushed her into the on coming car she reached out for you but you did nothing ...you stood there and watched. But what hurt the most is it seemed as if you didn't care.....you tried to pass it off as if it was an accident (it wasn't) You try to claim it wasn't your fault (it was) . You never took responsibility for what you did (despicable) .

G walked down the hall his lab coat flowing behind him. He saw the door to the room You rested in was open and yells can be heard from inside.

"What's going on Alphys?" he said as he stopped by the door frame. He peered inside to see he room was a mess and you aren't in bed which was surprising considering you hadn't woken up in three weeks.

He face was fixed with annoyance .

"I...its..the human" alphys said quietly.

His eyes looked over to your frightened form that was backed against the wall keeping your eyes on alphys.

His eyes glowed as he placed you back in the bed and watched as you struggled to no avail. You said somethings but he didn't care to listen and walked back to his office after alphys thanked him waving hand.

G sat back in his chair and went back to scribbling whatever it was then he let out a tired sigh and stopped. He turned his head and looked at a tube that contained something and he gave a sad look.

........I was gonna post a song to this chap which would be perfect but this chapter so short so I'm not sure...

Okay I added it😊

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