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😥💨Hey guys I feel horrible inside and it's overwhelming I've watched to many sad undertale stuff and I just came from reading. A echofell story which was great, it had a happy and sad ending and the sad ending left a bad taste in my mouth that doesn't want to go away so now......I feel horrible I want to cry but won' for this chapter I want you guys to feel horrible too, please try to😊.......(😈i sound bad don't I for wanting you guys to feel horrible? Well do bare with me it is feelings that makes a great story😊)

You sat in the bed staring at nothing , the heart monitor keeping a steady beat. You weren't sure how long you had been there all you know is it had been two days since you woke up and you refused any food alphys gave you. Your music box played it was the only thing keeping you calm, when you had woken up you saw it next to You, you felt immense joy getting it back and sadness.

You heard the door open and in walked alphys with food.....again. You turned away from her and hugged your legs as she set the food next to you. She was about to leave but you stopped her.

"Why don't you let me leave"

"Well let you leave when you start eating right"
You looked at the food and then frowned at her.

"Why, are you even doing this I don't even know how I got here"

"Sigh...look trust me I wouldn't be doing this.....I really wouldn't, but its only because Grillby requested me to" alphys said and turned to leave again but stopped at the door saying one last thing.

"You have someone who really cares about you so you should really take care of yourself." she finished and then left.

You felt guilt as your sins crawled up your back.

'That look she gave me ......she knows, I see frisk was connected to more people than I thought'

You looked back at the food that was given to you it was a ramen cup. You weren't hungry but you took it anyways. You twirled the noodles onto the fork and put it in your mouth chewing slowly then quickly gulping it down, you began to eat more actually realizing just how hungry you really were.

Your were finished with your cup and your stomach growled for more. You drank the juice that was placed on the sighed after you were done you placed everything back on the tray. Your mind began to wander and you ended up thinking about frisk, the accident played over and over until you had enough and put the pillow over your head to make it go away.

"It was an wasnt my fault" you whispered

You then began to think about G this only seemed to put more weight on your shoulders. The things he said and the way PAPYRUS looked at you, it all hurt. The heart monitor began to speed up a bit but you didn't notice.

The way G held frisks bloody form, the way he cried shook the thoughts out of your head. You wanted to leave wherever you were. You moved to get out of bed your legs wobbling a bit, you still couldn't stand or walk properly for some reason, you immediately got back into bed when you heard the door open. It was alphys again.

"Wow you ate everything"


"Could I walk around?"

"I ........don't think thats a good idea"

"Please.....I don't even know where I am and I haven't moved much"

"Sigh okay but only this ......section of the hall" alphys said as she took the stuff off of you which made you happy.

Alphys left and you put on some slippers that was given to you. You were wearing (fc) pajamas. You walked out the door of your room and you began to feel anxious leaving the comfort of your room. Your hand instinctively went up to your neck to grab onto something but then it hit you. Your locket was gone he took it. You looked both ways decideing which you should go first , you decided right. You were upset your locket was gone and you wanted it back. You walked slowly your movements were still u stable so you leaned on the wall for support. As You walked down the hall you saw light coming from another room. You walked close to it carefully, you peaked inside and saw no one , seeing that the close was clear you went inside the room looking around at all the different stuff. There were a bunch of papers with, equations, blueprints and theories, there we're also test tubes. You saw a desk 28th a picture frame and you walked up to it picking it up. Your heart sank it was a group picture of PAPYRUS G and frisk but one side was teared off....the side that contained you. You were also filled with dread when you realised this was G workplace, you began thinking to get out of there quick but a quick thought crossed your mind. You instead checked to see if your locket was anywhere there and smiled as soon as you founded it but froze as you felt the hairs standing on the back of your neck.

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