Hard day

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.........😊.....PLAY THE MUSIC ABOVE......I just added it in for more effect

You walked inside your house locking the door and throwing your shoes to the side somewhere. You let o.j. a sigh, you realised you've been doing that a lot. You walked straight into your bathroom and turned on the lights looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked horrible, who were you kidding you always looked horrible except your not always soaked in beer. It had been a long day, way to long, just remembering what happened made you even more tired.


You we're at the counter while grillby was at the back attending to the food. You couldn't really focus as you were beginning to fall asleep on the job. You jumped hearing someone loud voice.

"HEY MISS A BEER OVER HERE" said an already drunk MONSTER.

You shook your head and blinked a couple of times to wake yourself up. "Coming" you said monotone

You filled a mug with beer and walked over to the monster your sight fading a bit. You stumbled and ended up pouring the beer all over the monster. You heard a growl from the monster and didn't bother to move as he stood up.

"Now wait doggo she didn't mean to" one his dog friends said but he was to out of it and angry to listen. You expected a punch to the face but instead he grabbed beer off another's table and dumped it on you drenched. You made a face as you stunk of alcohol. The whole bar went quite and as soon as Grillby came out and saw you he flamed a bit.

"What happened here?!"

"It's nothing Grillby ....just an accident.....I'm, gonna leave early" You said not bothering to wait for an okay. You walked passed the two of them and out the door, the whole bar watching you leave. The cold didn't bother the least bit as you walked to your house.


You threw off the soaked clothes and went in the shower. After you finished you went in the kitchen and made coffee, what could you say you grown to love it, it was the only thing that could keep you awake. You sat on the old dusty chair that resided in the small living room drinking your coffee in the dark. Your mind began to wander thinking about the past which gave you pain. You missed them, you wished you didn't...you wished you could forget them, for thinking about them made it hurt more ......thinking about frisk......

"Nggggggghhh" you clenched at your chest until you ended up holding onto your locket. It hurt. Every time you thought about her it hurt. You wished so much that you could end it all but it wouldn't let you. It accomplished what it wanted....to see you suffer and that's exactly what your doing suffering in silence.

It was quiet..you were glad she didn't come to bother you. You clenched into the locket tighter, it was the only pics you had of them. You never opened it though, you didn't think you could handle it. You chuckled at the irony a bit. They were your strength yet they were your weakness.

You signed again and pulled out your phone and checked the time. It was 2:00 am. Just a couple more hours to go and it's back to work again. This seemed to be the pattern you would follow everyday. You never really went out only when it's necessary...like work or groceries otherwise You would just stay locked up in your house unmoving.

You begin to fiddle around in your phone until you happened upon a picture of PAPYRUS. You felt a sudden longing within you. You went into contacts his number big and broad. It was funny ever since the day you left you hadn't received a single call....but who could blame them right. This thought only made you feel worse.

You looked at PAPYRUS number, you wanted to speak to him at least here his voice.....you wanted to go back but you couldn't and you wouldn't. You started to feel anxious.

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