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Oops I wasted time sorry guys I was on smule....I almost forgot about the song la la latch...shame on I almost most certainly forgot what I was exactly going to do with this chapter. And thats a bad I'm not new to writing stories im just new to writing them on watt pad. I've written stories on fan which are all naruto related and I wrote a good story with a great plot but later on forgot the direction I was going with the story's unfinished cause I've lost interest in it....for now😓(go ahead shame me I deserve it). So its best that I don't get any new ideas for a new story or else I'll lose track of this get excited and start a new story.ITS A VICIOUS CYCLE!!! And ILL SHALL MAKE IT END WITH THIS STORY MARK MY WORDS!!!

Ps. I have to extend this a little I need to give reader-chan a little break and then the next chapter were diving into it😊

You went in your fridge stumbling a bit as you felt weak. You made a face of disgust when you opened it. The food you had in the fridge was spoiled. I mean what did you expect you never ate. You went to a cabinet and grabbed a plastic bag and the three the stuff inside almost gagging at the smell. You sighed you needed to by more water and coffee beans.

You honestly didn't feel like going out but it was necessary, you were bent on not sleeping and you've done good so far for the past three weeks, you weren't going to stop now. You knew once you closed your eyes , she was going to make it the worst sleep you ever was not going to let that happen.

You threw on some sandals and went out the door. You were wearing baggy clothing a oversized jacket and sweat pants. You passed by grillbys seeing a couple monsters inside. Normally you would be working today but after a little feint spell the other day Grillby made you take a couple days off after scolding you.

You walked slowly down the side walk to your destination, it was a long walk there. It was a bit crowded, it annoyed you. You were never a big fan of crowds. The noises made your head hurt from the horns blaring and all the talking, this reminded you why you hated to go out. You forced your way through the crowd trying to get across the street.

You were in an agitated mood, you ignored the states that were given to you as you walked getting closer to the store, you put your hood on your head and tucked your hands into your pockets. You wanted nothing but to go home and stare at the wall while drinking your coffee.


You finally made it to the store.

"That could have been longer" you stated walking out of the store with your coffee beans and water. You hadn't bothered to buy any food since they were gonna end up wasting anyways. You had took out a small water bottle that you got for yourself and drank it. You really needed it at the moment, it felt like your body was beginning to shut down on you. You relaxed feeling a little rejuvenated and started you trek back home.

You walked for a couple of minutes lost in thought until you bumped into a guy but he didn't seem to notice. You looked up at the guy he was quite tall and had an after shave, he was smoking while he talked to someone. But that wasn't the point the problem was he and his friend was blocking your way and this was the type of side walk that had little space so the road could have more.

You groaned in annoyance and sighed.

"Excuse me"

'Yeah and the guy didn't get any further......' they man said talking to some other guys? A friend end probably

He didn't hear you, they were to busy talking loudly.

"Hey! Excuse me!!" You said louder. They finally heard you and turned to meet your gaze.

'What do you want shorty?' He asked puffing smoke in your face.

You coughed waving the smoke away, you were very much bothered now.

"Your in my way"

'Just go around can't you see we were talking'

You looked at the guy with an annoyed look. Is he serious? How were you supposed to go around when he took up the whole side walk. You huffed as they went back into their conversation forgetting or just ignoring your presence.

'So yeah the guy didn't get any futher, cause I..HEY!!' they guy yelled as you forced your way through them and kept on walking.

You suddenly got tugged back as the same guy pulled your jacket. You looked at him with a glare.

'The hells your problem?!' He yelled

You swatted his hand away and looked him in the eye.

"Oh I don't, what do you expect when your blocking someones way and don't want to move, I can't possibly guess what's my problem. Oh I know its you." You said with annoyed sarcasm.

'Heh, hahahahaha, this kids really got a mouth on em, eh I gotta go anyway tell me about your story some other time' his friend laughed as he left.

You were about to leave again but the guy grabbed you again. You turned to him uninterested.

"Do you have a problem?" you said emotionlessly

'You think this is a joke brat!?, you think you can disrespect me like that!? Do you know who I am'

You pretended to think for a bit.

"Oh I don't know a poor excuse of a man, who is so insecure they have to make up stories to impress people"

The man growled 'are you looking for trouble!?' he yelled angrily gathering others attention.

"Oh me...of course not I'm just here getting yelled at by a jerk, who doesn't want to let me to answer your question no im not looking for trouble, trouble is looking for me"

'You keep on moving your smart mouth and your gonna lose it' he threatened angrily

"Oh what are you gonna do....beat me up in front of this whole crowd? Go ahead I have nothing left to lose" you said indifferent

The guy slowly put you down as he noticed the people watching.

'Tch, whatever your not worth my time anyways' he said then went away..

You shook your head and also went your way. You really needed that coffee right about now you were sure you had caffeine addiction.


You finally made it home putting the water in the fridge and preparing your coffee.

You went inside your room and sat on your bed, you felt weak.

"I took to long to get home" you mumbled

"You can't keep this up forever yn it only a matter of time until you pass out from exhaustion" it growled

"Well watch me, I'm doing a pretty good job at keeping you at bay and staying awake" you said coldly drinking your coffee.

" hehe , you'll let your guard down and when you do I'll take my chance "

"Heh, with you and your twisted nightmares...I won't be taking any chances like that"

"Ah, an, ah, not nightmares ...memories....I only throw in a little something here and there"

".........." you stayed quiet and she left. You wanted to say those weren't your didn't want to have connection to them, basically you were in denial this is how you coped with them.....with everything, you made yourself believe they were nothing but nightmares.

You sat there the rest of the day lost in your thoughts. You couldn't wait to go to work.....but if you had known the events that would of taken place at work , would you still feel the same way?

PASSION Gaster Sans X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now