|| Chapter 18 || The Wedding Day

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*I want to just say, I have no idea how to do wedding stuff in stories so if this is bad, I'm sorry in advance I have no idea how this works~Maple*

It was all happening now. The wedding between Princess (Y/n) and Prince Alex. Many people came to see, whispering to each other as they waited for the wedding to start. The room was filled with people as no seat was left unfilled. In the front, Alex stood, messing with the tie of his suit as Aryan stood behind him off to the side, a smug look printed across his face.

Zelda and Misty stood opposite to him, both refusing to look at either of the two as they stared off into the crowd.  Both looked unhappy, that was for sure.

"...I've never seen so many people in my life..." Misty whispered as Zelda nodded, looking at every single person there was.

The Queen and King sat right in front, watching with smiles as they were beyond happy to have their daughter married and early too. If only they knew of the evil that would be standing near their daughter...

The priest walked forward, standing at the alter as music soon began to play. Everyone stood as the doors opened to reveal (Y/n) who wore a beautiful white wedding gown. She walked down the aisle, a smile on her face but to Zelda and Misty, it looked nothing but fake.

She soon stood in front of them, looking to Alex with the same smile as he only stared at her, no smile, no nothing. He only stood their, a blank look in his eyes as he looked like he even shook a bit.

"We are gathered here today under the goddesses watch to witness the marriage of these two Royal's before you. Princess (Y/n) and Prince Alex," the priest held his hands out as the room went quiet, everyone listening to his words with excitement.

Zelda stared in front of her, not listening to the priest's words as she seemed to space out. Even Misty seemed to be haft there as she only took in some of the words he said. To them, it felt like the priest talked forever and ever, going on and on about how wonderful marriage could be. Doesn't anyone here but them realize how horrible things have been lately?!

"Do you, Prince Alex, take Princess (Y/n) to be your beloved wife?" The priest asked as Alex looked to (y/n), staring at her for a moment before nodding with a sigh.

"...I do..."

"And Princess (y/n), do you take Prince Alex for your beloved husband?"

"I do," she chirped happily.

"Now," the priest finally closed his book, snapping Zelda out of her thoughts as she looked to the two standing before her," the rings."

Aryan was the one to take the ring for Alex as he stepped forward, handing it to his brother with a proud smile. Alex blinked, seeming to just wake up from his own thoughts as he turned to his brother," o-oh...yeah..."

He took the ring from Aryan, his hand shaking as he did. Zelda had the ring for (Y/n) as she silently stepped forward, holding it out to her with little care.

"Thank you," (Y/n) smiled, taking the ring and facing her cousin for only a moment. For that moment, Zelda was able to look into her eyes, seeing how dull and lifeless they really seemed to look. They looked as if they lost they amazing (e/c) color. Every time she looked at (y/n) she felt more and more sure that she wasn't the same cousin she knew and loved.

Zelda and Aryan stepped back into their places as Alex and (Y/n) looked to each other. Alex took (y/n)'s hand carefully, slowly putting the ring on her finger as she did the same with him but more cheerful. The whole world seemed to slow for Zelda and Misty as they watched. They felt like stepping forward, pushing the two apart but they legs felt stuck to the ground.

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