|| Chapter 28 || Aftermath

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(No one's P.O.V)

Princess Ashley and Prince Cody stood outside the Clock Tower, staring at the sky as it lightened up. No longer was it a dark color like when they first got there but a beautiful light blue instead.

"Its going back to normal...they must have won," Ashley spoke as Cody smiled, nodding. The Princess turned to her brother," gather everyone. We should head back to the castle and meet the others."

"Yes, sister~" Cody skipped back into the Clock Tower as Ashley looked back to the sky, dipping her head.

"It seems like the demigoddess (Y/n)'s power is still kept safe. After all, history will always repeat itself, won't it? It won't always be the same but as long as the hero's spirit and her own are together, everything will always work out fine..."


Everyone walked back towards the castle, feeling a bit better since it was clear the evil Lord was gone. They all walked through the doors of the castle, looking around the place with smiles. They didn't have to worry about being attacked anymore...how nice it felt.

"But what about (Y/n)and the others-" Zelda frowned, looking to Ashley and Cody before she was cut off.

"Guys! You made it back!" She turned, smiling brightly to see the very Princess she spoke of running up to them, Alex hurrying after her with a calm smile.

"(Y/n)! Alex! Your both safe! I'm guessing you saved Link and he manged to kill Ganondorf," Zelda ran up to her cousin, hugging her once more only to be shocked when (Y/n) shook her head.

"Link didn't defeat Ganondorf."

"Then he's still alive!?" Misty gasped, lowering her head as she looked around for the evil Lord as Alex shook his head this time.

"No. (Y/n) was the one who defeated Ganondorf. She used her magic to do so," the Prince smiled at (Y/n) who nodded, proud of herself.

"Yep. It was strange. I just got mad and the magic kind of took over," she looked to her hands, smiling as she remembered the (f/c) magic and how powerful it was. Not even Ganondorf stood a chance...

"Well whoever defeated Ganondorf, I'm happy to see your all okay," The Queen set a hand on her daughter's shoulder smiling at her.

"Where's Link and Anti?" Cody asked, frowning as (Y/n) looked down.

"Link got...hurt. Badly too. B-But don't worry. Anti is doing the best she can to help him. She said he'll be fine," (Y/n) assured everyone as they sighed.

"Anti knows her way around healing potions well...I am sure the hero will be better in no time. For now we should fix things up here," Ashley suggested, looking around the destroyed place with a frown as everyone nodded.

"You should go see Link and Anti, see how things are coming along. I'll help down here," Alex looked to (Y/n) who nodded, bowing her head.

"Thank you, Alex."

~~~Your P.O.V~~~

I slowly opened the door, peeking inside to see Anti sitting at the desk on one side of the room. She swirled a colorful potion in a bottle, humming as she shook her head. Link lied still in the bed of the room, his chest slowly rising a falling in match to his breaths.

I entered the room, clearing my throat as Anti looked over her shoulder at me," how...how's it coming along?"

"Everything is going well. I've manged to level out his breathing so that was a start. I've tended to the wounds and did the best I could with making it so he can't feel as much pain. All that's left now is to have him drink this when he wakes up," Anti held the potion up, smiling proudly at it," its like a red potion but just a tad bit more powerful."

"Anti..." I looked down, going quiet for a moment before looking up at the sorceress," do you know anything about the magic I hold? Anything at all that I don't know?"

Anti was quiet for a moment as she swirled the potion around in the bottle, humming before speaking," I won't lie to you, Princess. I do know a lot more about your power than you or your parent know."

"And what do you know?"

"...Well for starters I know the past behind it. Long story short their use to be a demigoddess who held the same power as you. Pretty much your the reborn spirit of her just like Link is the reborn spirit of the chosen hero. The two loved each other back all those years ago therefore every time their spirits are reborn, they are almost draw together. That's why it was no shock to me, Cody, or Ashley that you and Link love each other. Its like your destiny too," Anti explained with a shrug as (Y/n) listened, not missing a single word.

"So that explains a few things...My magic...My memories..." I whispered as Ashley raised an eyebrow.


"I guess there more like feelings but...when I first meet Link I felt like I've seen him before. I felt like I'd known him before that but I never got why. Now I do..."

"So you remember meeting him before, eh? Impressive since it was so long ago. Back to before Hyrule or Termina even existed..." Anti smirked as (Y/n) nodded.

"...Thank you for helping so much and all, Anti. You helped both Link and I a lot this whole time. I don't know what we'd do without you," I smiled at her as she looked to me, rubbing the back of her neck as she blushed a bit.

"Nah, don't mention it. You'd do the same for me if I was in your place," she stood, walking over to me and handing me the potion," I'm going to go down to the others. Like I said, just give this to the hero when he wakes."

"Alright," I looked at the potion, nodding as she walked past me, closing the door behind her as she left the room.

I walked over to the bed, setting the potion on the nightstand and sitting next to Link. I smiled, running my hand through his hair. At least I no why he looked for familiar to me before...He looks so peaceful now. I'm happy he's not in as much pain anymore...

I lied down next to him, cuddling up to his chest as I slowly closed my eyes. This has all been so stressful but it's finally over...Aryan and Ganondorf are dead, Termina is safe, Link will be fine...everything is good and well. Now I can finally rest without worry.

~~~Link's P.O.V~~~

I blinked open my eyes, feeling sore all over. Last thing I remember was fighting Ganondorf...and (Y/n). (Y/N) WAS DEAD!

I jumped up, regretting doing so as it only hurt. When I sat up, I felt something by my side. I turned my head, freezing as I saw (Y/n). She laid at my side sleeping peacefully...She was breathing too...She was alive...

"L-Link..." she opened her eyes, looking up to me as I sighed, putting a hand over my heart.

"...Your alive..."

"Of course I am...your the one who almost died..." she smiled, sitting up and reaching over to the nightstand where a colorful looking potion was. She took it, handing it to me," here, drink this. Anti made it to help you get better."

I took the potion, looking at it for a moment before drinking It tasted horrible and bitter but it made me feel a bit better at least so I couldn't complain much. 

"W-Wha...What happened? Where's Ganondorf?" I began to panic, knowing I never defeated him but (Y/n) only laughed. Why's she laughing if Ganondorf's out there still?

"I'll explain everything later...just go back to sleep," she lied back down, closing her eyes as I pouted.


"Shh, just sleep," she whispered as I smiled a bit, lying down next to her and running a hand through her soft (h/c) hair.

"...Sleep sounds nice..." She hummed in agreement as I closed my eyes, pulling her close to me as I fell asleep.

I may not know what happened yet but hey, (Y/n) was here alive and so was I. I'd rather not know what happened and just sleep here with her at my side...I'd take that any day...

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