chapter 1; Ava

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~ ~ ~ ~ 4 YEARS LATER ~ ~ ~ ~

It was Stacys wedding; just like Sheldon had said. Next year my granddaughter would be born! That was exciting but at the same time very sad. Just 14 years! Who could imagine that? I was partially involved with the Devil, so was Stacy but she didn't know. She wouldn't know until her daughter turns 14.

Stacy was wearing a beautiful white dress that fell just below her ankles and white high heels, her hair was up into a perfect bun with a few curls hanging out. Her make-up fit perfect with her dark green eyes. She was dancing with John, both of them looking very happy. I felt so happy for both of them. This was a memory she would never forget.


I was home, Stacy and John had left on their honeymoon to California. They had decided to wait until the day after their wedding to take off to their honeymoon. I was sitting down on my sofa reading a mystery book, it wasn't very intersting so I put the book away and turned on the tv just as Sheldon appeared.

"Anything new to tell me?" I asked him.

"No, you just seemed very bored right now." He said and took a seat next to me.

"I am. Why don't you tell me about yourself before you became a shadow person?" I curiously asked.

"Well. I was studying medicine, never got married, and was chosen to become one when I turned 25."

"What's the difference between going to hell when you die and becoming a shadow person?"

"When you die and go to hell you spend eternal life there working and never resting. If you become a shadow person you work helping others who are going to turn into one of us."

"But I'm not going to become..."

"No, but your granddaughter is so we thought that if we warned you... You could tell them, it would be easier for them to understand."

"Are there any chances you can turn back into a human?"

"There might be because you are not truly dead."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure how to explain this but this is and isn't our bodies, it's like shape-shifting." He tried to explain.

"Oh." I said, not quiet sure understanding what he was trying to say then he dissapeared. He gave me something to think about.

~ ~ ~ ~ 1 YEAR LATER ~ ~ ~ ~

We were now at the hospital. Stacy had given birth to a baby girl. Sheldon was right once again. Stacy had named her Ava. It was such a weird name to me since I had never heard of it but I loved it! I had remember the 14 years thing but I pushed the thought aside and enjoyed my day with here at the hospita with Stacy and Ava.

She had light brown hair like John, and she looked alot like Stacy. There was alot of joy in that hospital room. Many smiling faces and everyone was just so happy, another of my best years.

I walked back home later that night. Stacy was still in the hospital and would stay there for another 2 days. John had stayed as well not wanting to leave her side. Was I going to tear this happy family into pieces when I told them that Ava would only stay until she turned 14? Would they hate me for it?

"Soon, right?" I asked out loud knowing that Sheldon was hiding in the shadows. He came out of the shadows when there was no one in sight.

"Just 14 years." He confirmed.

"That's a very short life."

"She won't die. She's going to be an immortal part of us, the shadow people."

"I know, I know."

"Enjoy those years with her."

"I will. Will you be there?"

"I'll try."


I couldn't believe it. No matter how much I thaought about it, I still couldn't. It was impossible. People always say that life is short, 80 years is the average. What about 14?! Why didn't my grandma just go with 'him'? Everything would be better. I wouldn't have to worry about this.

I knew that Ava wouldn't completly die. She would be immortal and would watch me die. I was sure of that but still.. I couldn't believe it. I just wanted to take her place. Could I? That was probably the best idea. Would it work? Could it work?

"Can I replace Ava so instead of her it would be me?" I silently asked filling myself with hope.

"No." My hope died away.


"You're too old."

"If I wasn't, could I?"


"Wait... So you're saying you knew I could've done this years ago?" He knew about this but didn't tell me? He knew I could've saved her. He knew all this time. I was angry. Very angry.

"Yes." He replied. Probably already knowing I was angry, furious.

"If you knew-" He cut me off.

"I would of told you but I knew your parents would worry if you just dissapeared." Was his lame excuse.

"When they died?"

"You were married to Jack, soon after, Stacy was born. It would... Hurt them."

"But at least my daughter would be very happy with her daughter!" I screamed.

"They would also be hunted by demons. I'm sure you wouldn't want that. Spirits would also take over their bodies. Like all those scary movies where demons haunt their houses and their bodies" Akward silence followed once he finished talking.

"Sorry. I didn't know. Even if you did tell me, I would've declined the offer."

"Exactly." He said and then we stayed quiet the way home.

There was nothing I could do about this. There was nothing I could do to stop this and I didn't like that. This was just wrong, I couldn't do anything about this! I was angry but I... I just had to calm down. The time was about to come.

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