chapter 9; A little clue.

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I went and found 2 pairs of black jeans that were the perfect fit on me and I had fallen in love with them the moment I tried them on. We walked to the cash register to pay for the clothes and only left me with $4 for the rest of the month.

The guy at the cash register frowned at Ollie. What was that for? Ollie probably wondered the same thing when he saw the guy frown at him.

"Damn, that's not gonna end very well." The guy said scratching the back of his head, he was bald and that made him look scary, like he would attack you at any moment withought warning.

Ollie seemed a bit confused, so was I. "What?" Ollie asked.

"That girl, she's all up in your buisness, flirting with you until you two 'do it' then she leaves you." He explained.

"Excuse me?" I said. I was not like that at all.

"Oh! Not you!" He explained. "That other girl, the one who was flirting with your boyfriend."


"Just watch out, she's a slut."

"Umm. Sure." Ollie said.

Once he handed me the bag with my clothes we akwardly left the store and went back to the apartment. I took out my keys and opened the door. Jace was sitting down on the floor with a bowl of popcorn in front of him while he watched a movie. Blake was not there with him.

"Ava! Come to the kitchen!" Sheldon called my name.

I made my way towards the kitchen. Sheldon was sitting down on a chair reading a big book. He looked up from the book and smiled. I sat down on the chair in front of him and Ollie sat next to me.

"I got you something for tonights test." Sheldon said as he picked up a box wrapped in a green wrapping paper and handed it to me.

"Can I open it?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're going to use it."

I ripped the paper and pulled out the box it was a... Lamp? I opened the box and took out the lamp, it was a light purple color, an angle lamp. How could this help me with tonights test?


Ollie had left to go do some things, Jace was still watching movies, and Blake had not returned yet. It was around 6:30 pm and I was in my room thinking of what to do.What was something I could do right now?

I saw the box next to my closet door and grabbed it. I pulled out the purple lamp from it and observed it. It was intresting, how would this help me? I stoped questioning it and plugged it in to see if it worked. It did, it worked perfectly fine. There didn't seem to be a problem with it.

"Hey, I'm here." I heard a voice say from the door.

"Hi Blake." I said and sat down on my bed.

"So..." He started.

"Where have you been?" I questioned.

"Just doing some things for Lucifer." He shrugged.

"Oh." I said and leaned my head against the wall.

"Want to watch a movie with Jace?"


We walked out of my room and went to join Jace. He was watching a kids cartoon. We watched 2 movies with Jace until I decided it was late and I should get some sleep. I made my way back into my room and closed the door behind me. It seemed a bit fresh in here.

I turned to look at the window to make sure it was opened and jumped back in suprise when I saw Ollie sitting there, on my window.

"What are you doing?! You scared me!" I screamed at him. He jumped down from the window and into my room.

"Just sneaking in." He said.

"You know, there's a door you can knock on and we'll let you in." I informed him.

"That's no fun." He frowned.

"Whatever, just try not to scare me next time." I told him.

"Are you ready?" He asked me.

"Ready for what?"

"The test."

"There's no way to prepare for that, so no. I'm not ready."

"I know. Well... I'll be there for you just like on your other two test." He replied. "Want to go to the park? You still have a little less than an hour left."

"Sounds like fun." I smiled and walked towards the window with him.

We both jumped from the second floor window and into the ground, a good thing about becoming a shadow was that you didn't get hurt easily so I could jump from the second floor to the ground about 5 times before getting injured.

We got to the park in 15 minutes. What were we going to do here?

"So... What are we going to do here?" I asked out loud.

"Just going for a walk." He simply told me.

We walked around the river in the park. It was a beautiful sight apart from people doing drugs or nearly 'doing it' out here. The moon made the water look sparkly and the trees made a beautiful reflection. There weren't many ducks but I got to feed the ones that were there.

"We gotta go back. You have 25 minutes left." Ollie suddently told me.

"Ok." I sighed.

We fast walked towards the apartments, laughing. We walked up the stairs instead of taking the elevator into the second floor. I took out my keys and opened the door. Jace was still watching a movies and Blake was gone.

"Where's Blake? I asked Jace.

"He got called to do some job." He answered not taking his eyes away from the tv.

"Oh, ok. We'll goodnight!" I told him and walked to my room.

I turned on the lights and walked towards my bed wich was on the corner of the room, the night stand still had the lamp on top of it. This was it. My next test was tonight.

"Well you have avout 10 minutes left but I recomend you going to sleep now." Ollie told me.

"That sucks!" I whined like a little kid.

"It's fine. See you later." He told me then kissed the top of my head before dissapearing.

I stood there kind of still letting it sink in. He kissed the top of my head. It was no big deal, right? It was just a kiss on the top of my head like the one your parents would give you before going to sleep.

It was nothing.


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