chapter 11; Packing

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I woke up the next morning to feel something slightly hard under my head. I blinked and opened my eyes. It was Ollie. I had slept on Ollies chest. But it was comftrable...

"I- I'm sorry." I studdered.

"It's fine." He said and stretched.

"Ava!" Sheldon suddently screamed running into my room. "You made it! Now pack your things. We're moving!"

"What?" I asked. I passed a test and now we are moving again. "When?"

"We have 2 days." He said then walked out. Two days for what?

"What happens in 2 days?" I turned to Ollie who was sitting besides me on my bed.

"Something, I cain't tell you. But I can tell you that it's not a test." He told me.

"Ok. Want to help me pack up?" I asked him.

"Want to fix your hair?" He asked and pulled on my hair.

"Is it that bad?"

"Yes." He told me. "Now go take a shower to let me fix your hair."

"You're going to fix my hair?" I asked.

"Yes. Now move!" He told me and gently pushed me.

I got off the bed and walked towards the closet. I looked at all the clothes I had but couldn't decide what to wear. I was such a girl. "What should I wear?" I asked out loud. Ollie appeared besided me and pulled out a shirt and jeans. "Wear these, we're going out once we finish packing your things."

I grabbed the clothes and took a moment to look at what he had picked. It was the shirt I had bought with the 'Z' on it and a black pair of jeans. When I turned back around he was gone. I sighed and went to the bathroom.

Once I had finished taking a shower and put on my clothes I walked to the kitchen to search for something to eat. I opened the fridge ignoring Jace who was quietly eating.

"You know..." Jace started. "I wouldn't mind if you walked around the apartment naked, especially after a shower."

My cheeks immeadiatly heated up I took a step back from the fridge to look at Jace. "I didn't know you were the perverted type of guy. I actually thought you were gay when we first met." I told him and took out a yogurt from the fridge.

"OW!" Jace suddently screamed.

I turned around and found Blake right behind him. "Stop being a pervert!" Blake told him and sat down next to Jace. I took out a spoon and sat in front of Jace.

"I like your hair." Jace told me.

"Thank you?" I told him making it sound more like a question. "You go from being a perv. to giving me compliments?"

"Yeah. That's just the way I am." He shrugged.

"So, Blake, hi!" I said and ate some yogurt.


"Where are you going today?" He asked me.

"I don't know. Ollie wants to go somewhere." I told him and threw away my yogurt.

"Are you two dating?" Jace suddently asked very excited. "You two look cute together!"

"Are you gay?" I asked him.

"No, I'm straight. Want me to prove it?" He asked raising one eyebrow.

If Jace could be perverted then I believed he was straight, I didn't want to know how he would prove it. "No, I believe you." I told him and walked back to my room.

When I walked back in my room I saw boxes on top of my bed. Must've been Sheldon telling me to pack up. I sighed and grabbed the box closest to me. I took it to the closet and started folding my clothes and putting it in the box. The door to my room suddently opened and I turned around expecting Ollie but it was Jace.

He closed the door and sat on my bed. "Jace?"

"You didn't answer my question so you must be dating him!" He suddently blurted.


"You're dating Ollie!"

"I-I'm not." Told him.

"Sure...Well then, you like him!"

"I don't." I told him and got back to packing. Did I? Did I like Ollie?

"Ollie! You're here!" Jace suddently screamed like a fan girl. I immedeatly turned around.

"Ha! You do!" He screamed and pointed at me. I blushed and turned back around to fold my clothes., but I didn't deny it. Maybe I did...

Not even a second later Jace started talking again, "Ollie! You're here! We were just talking about you!"

"I'm not falling for it again, Jace." I told him not turning around.

"Hi Jace." A new voice said. I immediatly recognized who the voice belonged to.

"Hi, Ava." He said.

I turned around to face Ollie, "Hi."

"So you were talking about me?" He asked.

"Yeah." I admitted. "Jace is gay and has a crush on you." I blurted out.

"What?" He asked and turned to look at Jace.

"She got it wrong! She has a crush on you and won't admit it."

"You know what? Why don't you just sut up and help me pack?" I said. There would be no way to get out of this conversation since it was Jace who started it.

"Fine, but I want to pack your underwear and bras." Jace said and grabbed a box.

"Those are the two things you're not going to pack." I told him then turned to Ollie." Did you know he is a pervert?"

"Did you know he was accused of rape about 15 times before he turned into a shadow?" Ollie cassualy told me.

"What?! I have a rapist in my room?!" I screamed.

"I'm just kidding." Ollie laughed. "I just had to say that."

"That wasn't funny." I told him and handed him a box.

"So what am I packing?" Jace asked.

"You're packing my pillows and stuffed animals, Ollie is going to help you."

  We finished packing all my clothes, stuffed animals, books, and anything else I had by 5:30. We stacked the boxes against the wall and left them there. My makeup and hair things were in a box near my bed.

  "Ok, let me do your hair." Ollie said and picked up the box with my makeup and hair things. "Bring a chair from the kitchen."

  I walked to the kitchen and picked up a chari. "Where are you taking that?" Sheldon asked me.

  "To my room, Ollie want to do my hair. I'll bring it back once he finshes." I promised and walked back to my room.

  "Ok, sit." Ollie ordered with the hair straightener on his hand.

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