chapter 13; One Last Time

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"Put the box by the door!" Sheldon screamed at Jace.

"All of them?" I asked and picket up a box from the kitchen.

"Yes, all of them." Shledon replied and hepled us stack the boxes on the wall next to the door.

"Ok!" I told him and ran to the kitchen to get the last 2 boxes.

Sheldon had used his magic to send all the boxes and furniture to our new house. He wouldn't tell me where it was at or why we were moving but it kept me entertained as I packed all the things inside the apartment.

"We're done." I told him and looked at the boxes stacked by the door. There weren't alot of boxes but it was alot of work.

"Good, that's it for now. We're leaving at 5:30 today." Sheldon said then opened the door.

"Wait!" I screamed as he took a step.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, a bit worried.

"No, umm... Can I go see my mom one last time?" I asked, whispering the last part.

He smiled, "Sure." The took another step, "It won't be the last time." He whipered then closed the door.

It won't be the last time? What did he mean by that? I decided not to follow, knowing that he wouldn't tell me anything if I asked. Why not just go now? It would be the last time I would see her, I just wanted to know if she was still fine.

I took a deep breath and changed into shadow form.

On the way there I grew nervous. I didn't know why, was there a reason for me to be? I took a deep breath and kept moving through the shadows to get to my destination.

I stood on the door step. What was I supposed to do now? I came here to see her but now I was scared to see her. My own mother didn't remember me and I was here, on her door step just to see her one last time before I left. But now was the last time I could see her, I took a deep breath and entered the house.

"It's here!" Mom said out loud and grandma hurried to the kitchen.

It was early in the morning, about 9:00 am, which meant that hiding in here would be a bit more dificult. I got an idea and quickly scurried under the table. They wouldn't be able to see me there.

"Whatever it says, I'm here to help you." Grandma whispered.

"Thanks, I just don't... I'm scared." Mom replied.

What was she scared of? There was something that the paper said that was so important. Did it have something to do with dad? What was going on? I hadn't seen mom since the time she forgot about me, that was such a long time ago. What had I missed?

I heard a paper being ripped then papers being shuffled. I took a deep breath and waited.

"I-I do." Mom said then started to cry. Nothing was making sence right now.

"We'll get through this. With the help of doctors and others we'll manage to help you. You're strong, I believe in you." Grandma whispered to her.

What was going on? What does mom have? Why did doctors have anything to do with this? I needed answers before I went crazy. What the hell was going on?

"Cancer isn't easy to cure." Mom said through tears.

What? Did I hear right? She had cancer? She was going to die? No, no, no. This was not going to happen, this was not happening! My mom did not have cancer.

"With the help of God, anything is easy to cure and anything is possible." Grandma said.

When she said God a sharp pain started in my heart. It felt as if I were having a heart attack. I felt hot and sweaty, though I knew that couldn't happen since I was in shadow form. Then I felt a bit lightheaded and had a bit of pain on my chest. Suddently, the pain all went away and I felt fine again with no pain.

"I guess I just need to rest for a bit." Mom said standing up.

"Yes, that might help you." Grandma said and stood up too.

They both went in the same direction towards their rooms. I waited until I heard two doors close then I changed forms back into my normal human self. They had left the paper on the table, I picked it up and read it.

The only thing that caught my eye was the word 'cancer'. So this was true? My mom really did have cancer? This was not happening, not at all. This was just a bad dream, part of my test. I would soon wake up and realize that my mother did not have cancer. It was a dream and part of my test. I knew this wasn't happening.

I just couldn't do anything. Why, of all people, my mom? The knock on the door made me drop the paper back on the table and quickly change into shadow form.

I had to leave now. I scurried out of the house adn into the streets back to my room.


There was nothing left in the apartment so I sat on the corner and cried silently. The door was closed so there was no one that would see me cry unles they entered through the window.

I let the tears flow and make my vision blurry. It ended up very blurry so I closed my eyes and brought my knees to my chest. I layed my head on my knees and just cried. There was nothing I could do about this but.... I didn't know of anything I could do about this!

"Why are you crying?" A familiar voice asked.

"She has cancer." I whispered.

"Who?" He asked and sat down next to me.

"My mom." I said and lifted my head a few centimeters to be able to see him.

"Oh, I see." He awkwardly said. Was he smiling?

I imediatly stood up. "Why the fuck are you smiling?!" I screamed at him.

"Wait! What?" He said.

"Ollie, don't fucking lie to me. I saw that. She has cancer and you're fucking smiling!" I screamed.

"Look, calm down!" He said. "Just let me explain."


"Your mom having cancer is a good thing." He said. "But wait! This can help you on your last test. I just wanted you to know that."

"What?" I whispered.

"If things go right then it's going to help you." He whispered.

I lost my mind right there. My mom having cancer was a good thing because it would help me with my last test. Just how could it help me?

Withought thinking, I ran up and hugged him. I was losing my mind, I had to keep my shit together to pass this. I knew what would happen if I didn't pass all the test- I would die. But I had to keep my mind together.

Just how would my mom with cancer help me pass my last test?

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