•America x Reader: Cold

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Hello chéri, this is Mei again and this fanfic is for CatLover777777 since she loves the country
"The great America".
So see you chéri later, and enjoy reading.
Au Revoir Until we meet !
(C/n) •cats name (Y/n) •your name (H/l) •hair length (H/c) •hair color


         You plopped down on your bed, wishing school never existed. You sat up, slightly hissing at the stack of homework in front of you, much like your cat (c/n). You picked him/her up and made him/her sit on your lap. You sighed, putting (c/n) down on the bed, and started on your homework. Finishing your homework you got ready for bed.
•time skip to next day at school•
          First period, was boring as usual as you already knew the lesson.
Being the kid that has reputation you still took down notes. You were in your freshman year when you saw "the guy". Though you were smart hardly no one goes to you to converse, get to know you, or make friends with you. You can say you were a loner, for you are quite cold, and distant towards others. You were also forced to leave your childhood friends when you were five, because of family issues.
(A/N:hey CatLover777777 it's not about your life, pls don't be offended)
          "The guy" let's call America transferred to school, one day.
He became pretty popular in a matter of days. Whenever, he passes by other girls, they fawn over him like his some kind of food. Focusing on your studies, you ignored your feelings for him. This made you extremely stubborn towards your own feelings.

~Flashback to "America" transferring to school~

•Alfred's P.O.V.•

I walked in "homeroom" and was told to introduce myself to the class. Right when I walked in I saw a girl, seating in the back of the room, her (e/c) eyes are as cold as ice. Not even a hint of interest are seen in her lovely orbs, her (h/l) (h/c) locks was untied and swayed freely. By some random reason my stupid heart started beating rapidly.
         "My names Alfred F. Jones and I'm the hero!" it seems like everyone laughed because of my enthusiasm. Except the girl in the back. The teacher told me to seat next to her. I almost jumped in joy but I don't know why.

I said "hi, my name's Alfred!" With a smile plastered in my face.

She only looked at me with her cold eyes saying "Yes, I heard, now leave me alone." That was cold.

          I awkwardly sat down my assigned seat. The teacher continued their lesson and everyone jolted their notes down.

~lunch skip~

          I was surrounded by many students from different classes in freshman. I wonder what's so interesting about me. Of course maybe because I'm the hero! Eating my lunch and surrounded by people was pretty great, but I just can't help thinking about that girl. What's her name? What subjects is she in every period? To find answers to my questions I asked a childhood friend Arthur "hey eyebrows! What's that girl's name that sits in the back at homeroom?"

          "Don't call me eyebrows my name's Arthur Kirkland! and if you mean that cold nerd, that has great reputation towards the faculty, her names (y/n)." The Brit said quite angered.

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