S. Italy x Reader: Midnight Gondola-pt. 3, Finale

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A/N I have decided to end it at three parts because I'm running out of ideas. I'm sorry.

S. Italy x Reader

- Midnight Gondola, III

    Last chapter summary...
A few cleaning later Lovino came across a large box under his bed. It was dusty and seemed to have not been touched for about a century. He blew the dust away and opened it struggling a bit. A bug crawled out and he screamed... Half for the bug, half for the lady in the paintings staring right at him. But, how did the bug get there? The box was so compact that hot air swept to his face when he opened it. He coughed a bit. Lovino decided to scavenge the box, there were pictures and pictures, jewels, and paintings of the same girl, some with him in it.

     The lady looked to be in her mid 20's, wearing Victorian outfits and gowns, drowned in jewellery and lockets. All the pictures in this box has caught his attention, until he came across a certain one. The picture contained the lady in a -still- Victorian gown, her back turned, her hair-well done-, sitting in a gondola near the canal. It was (y/n). There were letters too, and papers and papers of what seemed like diary entries. All signed at the bottom, (y/n).


After reading an entree of one of the papers in the box he immediately stuffed everything inside and closed the box. It gave him chills just even seeing the girl's face. He finished cleaning and got ready to go out, with all the cleaning he did, he did not realize it was already close to midnight. Lovino quickened his pace and got near the canal. He stopped in his tracks. The clock chimed 12 and there was no certain girl in a gondola waiting for him.

The next day, he stored up the courage to open the box again and looked through. He read another.

" Dear diary,                         17 May 1889

I've been seeing Lovino every midnight, until now. The housemaids has caught me sneaking out. I am worried that I'll make Lovino worried. The clock already chimed 12. I need to find a way out. Such a shame.... This midnight I wanted to confess to him.


Lovino doesn't understand, it seems as if it did happen, but somewhat he doesn't remember. The next midnight he went to the same area where they always meet. And yet still, there were no girl in a beautiful gown in a gondola. This went on and on, there were no more girl at midnight. Lovino read and read the diary entrees , and soon it all came together.


    He went to the canal one last time, as the clock chimed 12. He breathed and a cloud -or mist- came out. It was cold, tonight, at least. He closed his eyes only to be interrupted with a....

"*cough* *cough* have I made you wait?" Lovino opened his eyes and saw that it was (y/n). (Y/n) was smiling, her arms and hands behind her gown, the gondola lighted, and the moon in full form. Before Lovino could speak he was interrupted once again.

        "You want answers. And I can't give. I didn't say who or what I am. It's indeed my fault. I only wished to spend time with you, once more. Give you a little more excitement for the meantime. I can't stay forever, no human can. You're a country you will only die if your country dies. I was afraid of hurting you, again. That's why I decided to marry that young man. I truly love you, and if you were to marry me, I will die. Humans only live a short period of time. But, not enough to take things fast. So please live your life to the fullest and not rush. Take your time."

    (Y/n) kissed Lovino and disappeared. Lovino stood silently, quietly whispering "te amo" or in this case "I love you". The sun soon rose. And watched as the sky turned different colors. Lovino went back home and slept. Maybe it was a dream.

A dream about the Midnight Gondola Maiden.


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