•Bully! Nordics x Bullied! Reader: part two

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Chapter requested by CosplayComicCon , Also... Check them out their awesome!

Scarlet looked around her.... Blood and Crimson is the only thing in sight.
It was a shame... The people at the party chose to humiliate her instead of respecting her. I guess she kind of expected it. Considering she always can make things go her way. She looked down at her once white dress that is now stained. Her red hair fell on her face, a shadow covered her eyes. She looked up at the sky, it was currently midnight. A full moon shining directly above her.

"Give my sanity back to me! Keep those away that wants the devil's curse that resides within me!"
She cried to the lonely night. A smile painted on her bloody face....

You sighed and closed the book. They had recently released a new book from the story Scarlet. "She really has gone a long way just to find her purpose." You said to yourself. You stood up from the balcony chair and went inside your bedroom.


You groaned and smacked the alarm clock. You got up and went to get ready for school.....You walked out of the bathroom and stopped on your tracks, you stood face to face with your M academy uniform. You dropped the towel and looked at the mirror, oh yes...... Nobody knows..... About the scars that peppered your body, caused by you. You dressed quickly and went downstairs.

~time skip~

Reader's POV

       When I arrived at the school entrance it was already crowded. I went inside and looked at the school pin board; a new event. It said. Well, this is going to be interesting. I read the details and it made me wanna ditch school. We were going to World academy for a social experiment. I panicked a little inside, saying: but I don't know how to face them! My old school.... My old tormentors..... And especially... My old friends; the Nordics. I was scared.

-how much time could a time skip time time skip time skip time-

The principal rounded us up at the stadium and looked at us with his usually stern face. He looked at every single one of us and cleared his throat. He began to speak;

"I know you hate the world kids.... But, if you do great in this social experiment and actually cooperate with them. (Y/n) will treat you all for some free A class restaurant food." He said looking at me. I swear that I made the most horrible expression ever. I yelled so loud you could probably hear it, acres and acres away.


-another time SKIPU! What are you thinking! Mei!-

3rd person view~ at the social experiment

           Being cautious, you hid behind Allen(2p America) and Oliver(2p England), and frankly they didn't care. They thought it was cute, for you usually act tough and stoic. Any ways, World academy students wore disgusted expressions. Cringing. All of your classmates wore nice clothes, meaning your formal uniforms. Key word Formal. Not wearing your guys's casual delinquent outfits, and yet! Why do they still wear those disgusted expressions, as though you all were the definition of "hideous"?!

Your POV***

        Once we were all seated, we all watched as both principals of the opposite schools shook hands as an agreement. Then rules were set out.....

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