France X Reader: The Florist

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France X Reader: The Florist

A couple of my friends told me that there was a flower shop downtown, and with it came with an attractive florist.

Most of the friends that I have are boys. Their names are Alfred, Matthew, Arthur, and Gilbert.

Gilbert was the one that first brought the topic of the florist on the table. Soon, it was Alfred and Matthew.

They all kept insisting that I should meet him.

Gilbert kept nudging me and urging me to go, trying to persuade to meet the florist. He said that the florist is always surrounded by girls, and since he was friends with the florist, he would get me "VIP" seats to talk to the guy. However, Arthur doesn't really seem that fond about the florist they were talking about.

Gilbert would also, sometimes say to me, that the guy was lonely and in need of a true girl, and since "I'm lonely too" I should definitely meet him.

But, every time, I dismissed it.

Finally tired of Gilbert's constant whining, I went to go and meet the florist. And this is how I ended up here.

Here, as I mean in front of the guy's flower shop.

Girls crowded the front of it, vases full of colourful, lively flowers, and bouquets for those in a hurry, to get custom, was all a sight to see.

Gilbert laughed his annoying signature laugh, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "See, I told you he was popular with the girls." His german accent thick with tease. I groaned in response and kept quiet.

Grabbing me by the arm, he pushes me through the crowd and into the break room. Gilbert whispers that his florist friend is the owner of the shop. He grinned at the workers and pulls me to the second floor of the store.

He opens the door at the end of the corridor and pushes me down on the couch, "wait here" he says to me.

I pushed myself up, sitting upright. The room was full of paintings of girls and flowers, but the first thing you will be able to observe is the consistency of paintings of a girl with short hair.


The door slams open, revealing an albino and his friend. Gilbert wasn't lying, he is quite- really- attractive.

I sit on the couch, eyeing the two, Gilbert's friend seemed to not notice me. I clear my throat, to get the two's attention. Gilbert smiles happily whispering something in his friend's, his friend blushes, punching Gilbert playfully.

"This here is my friend! His name's Francis. The florist I was talking about!" I stare at them for a few seconds.

"Yes, of course," I said sarcastically. " From the set of things, this is your boyfriend? I suppose." Gilbert frowns about to yell something back, "You always talk about him, but never tell the name, I just thought you were obsessed with this guy!" He frowns even more. You gasp dramatically, " Oh MY. GOLLY! Don't tell me you're, you're, you're GAY?"

Francis laughs. " You're friend sure has a sense of humour." A French accent resounding in his voice.

Gilbert turns red and pulls me aside, his friend Francis' eyes the two of us, shrugging he goes over to a flower vase and empties the water. "look here fraulin... I'm just helping you get laid." He nudges.

I cock an eyebrow at him. Crossing my arms I huff, "Look here, Asshole. I don't need help, especially from you."

Francis clears his throat. Gilbert and I turn back at him awkwardly. "Mind, telling me why you guys came to visit?"

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