S. Italy x Reader: Midnight Gondola-pt.1

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S. Italy x reader

-Midnight gondola

      A young man is quietly walking along the canal, minding his own business, taking his usual midnight stroll. That's until he spotted a young woman sitting in a gondola with a small lit up candle, that seemed to be waiting for a certain person. The woman looks to be in her mid 2o's, all dolled up in a Victorian era get-up or gown. This made him wonder because the streets and the canals would be pretty empty once the clock chimes 12.

      He went near the gondola and tapped the girl's shoulder, the girl looked up, startled. She looked at the young man with a smile as though it was him she was waiting for. The man was confused. The girl stood up gently trying her best to avoid rattling the gondola too much.

    "I thought you'll never arrive! You made me worried so!" She exclaimed. While doing so she grabbed the man's hand with her gloved ones and held it close to her chest. The man looked at the stunning young girl, she looked so familiar to him. The man blushed, confused.

    "I don't understand, bella? What do you mean you're waiting for me?" The man questioned, tugging his hand away.  The girl looked hurt by his sudden action, making the girl flinch and caresses her hand.

    "You had promised this morning that we will take a midnight sail. You told me to wait for you here...." The girl said silently. The girl looked down and sat back down in the gondola.  This made the boy guilty and sat down at the other side of the gondola. He was till confused as to why this girl in front of her is in a Victorian gown, when it's already the 20th century.

    The silence in between them was almost cringe-worthy and awkward. He broke his silence, "What's your name anyways, ragazza?" The girl looked at him with a grin as though he told a joke.

   "I think I get it now! Your acting like this so that we can feel as if we were back to the days we met. Well then... My name's [name], how about your's sweet young man!" The girl exclaimed. The man's eyes widened as he felt this scene has happened once before, he decided to ignore it. He smiled and took the girl's gloved hand, and kissed the back of it.

"Lovino, Lovino Vargas."

- To be continued...

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If you guys want the 2nd part of this chapter, comment down below!

of course i'll still make it...


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