•England x Reader: Flower Crown

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          I am BACK! Chéri I behold to you England x reader one-shot
I'll try to make it short and not make it 10 pages long.
So like always find a comfortable spot to read.
And Au Revoir chéri.

          It doesn't make sense why. The summer breeze filled the atmosphere with the freshest air. (Your full name) was picking the prettiest and most loveliest flowers enjoying every moment. You were in vacation with your fiancé, traveling to the countryside. Your basket full of flowers bounced beside you as you skipped along the flower field. Every summer you and your fiancé go in vacation to the countryside where you both had a private cabin.

          You stopped in your tracks your basket still in hand. You smiled at your fiancé Arthur Kirkland who is silently staring at your being a smile painted on his usually grumpy cute face. 'Why am I frozen? this is my fiancé were not high school students anymore to act like one again' you thought. You quietly sat down at a large rock on the ground, placed down the flower basket, and started weaving.


          After some time, you had finished making two flower crowns. You looked back at Arthur his head laid down on the wood table, sleeping. You smiled to yourself and crept behind the dozing Brit trying not to wake him up. You gently placed one flower crown on the table and one on his head. You looked at your sleeping fiancé that now has a flower crown on his head.

          'How cute!' You mentally squealed. When you were about to leave and make some noon snack, you felt a tug on your dresses hem.

          Arthur mumbled "don't leave, stay" you were hungry so you just shrugged it off. a bad move.
Arthur pulled your arm quite hard; making you sit in his lap. A blush crept up your face. You looked up to see Arthur staring at you a gentle smile on his face. " I told you to stay." He said "but I was hungry so....." You trailed on.

         He placed a kiss on your lips. And putted the flower crown on your head. You blushed more at this "thank you love" you mumbled. You stood up and said 'I love you' to Arthur before running to the kitchen to calm yourself down. Arthur only chuckled at your childish act and went inside the cabin to join you as well.

Au Revoir Chéri

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