•Cheater! America x Suicidal! Reader: Lover and Child

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Requested by suicidalgirl49

        The girl lived in a coloured world and yet she is not one herself. In fact, she is colourless. Grey and dull, that is her colour pallet. Until, a certain American boy changed the way her world looked. Depression still has her on its hold but is slowly becoming loose. They met when she was about to slip away from this cruel world. She found herself in a hospital bed with the boy sleeping beside her. And it leads to the present. The blond boy named Alfred is now her boyfriend and hero. She was very thankful for his sacrifice. They are now living in with each other and is on their second year of college. Their relationship was healthy at least that's what (Y/n) thinks.

By the third year of college she felt as if their relationship is becoming more and more distant. She was too naive to realise that their relationship was not at all healthy. Once, they were finished with school and got jobs it got more worse. On their 7th year anniversary when Alfred didn't arrive, anxiety and fear choked her. For a week he didn't come home. She was devastated for she had wanted to surprise him. She was carrying his child.

2 weeks he still didn't come home. Once he did come home he was cheerful. (Y/n) smiled at him and later asked why he left for about a month. He scowled and just told her that work was just keeping him busy. She tried believing it but just can't. The next day he came home late. The day after that, he's on day off meaning no work. When he was about to leave, the girl stopped him.

"Where are you going Alfred?" Alfred didn't look at her but stared at the door.


"But, you don't have work. I called your boss too." Alfred looked back at her with an annoyed look.

"Ugh, you're always yapping your mouth. Can't you just shut up for a damn second!"

(Y/n) loosened her grip and Alfred left. Leaving a certain young girl at the doorway. She closed the door. Locked it and went to their shared bedroom. There she cried holding her slightly inflated stomach. She slept that night alone, down at the kitchen cold food for her lover was set. She had eaten alone as well, she needs to keep this child healthy. Though she's the only one in the house alone and devastated, she smiled.

As rain splattered outside she dreamt....

Reader's POV***


I heard a baby's laughter and soon it was bright. A young baby boy/girl was playing with blocks. It stared at me with a glint of happiness in its eyes. It opened its mouth and said "papa" I picked the baby up and laughed and said "he'll come back, I promise. I kissed it's forehead and giggled with it. It was a precious moment.


It started to darken and I held the baby close to my chest. Soon the whole room was pitch black except for the light emitting from us. The baby looked up at me and disappeared. I screamed for them. I cried. Where was Alfred? No where to be seen. A light opened in the distance and I saw a girl. I walked towards them.

Was she crying? It was getting harder to walk, sticky blood. I ran to her and lifted her face to see who she is. It was me.... But her eyes were restless and stressed, red and puffy from crying. She spoke with horror and angst.

"She/he 's gone! I lost them! They're dead because of me!" She then once again put her hands over her eyes.

I took of my hands from her and started backing up. My eyes were wide, I scrunched up my nose from the horrible smell that surrounded us. I ran, I RAN AS FAST AS I COU-
~end of dream~

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