•Russia x reader: 'And Yet You Continued'

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A story no one asked for, nor does most of my stories. I'll pretend that I just didn't say that to myself. This is just a story stuck at the author edit part of books for a couple while (months, 7 months). Enjoy! I guess.

Russia x reader: 'And Yet You Continued'

You weren't going to talk. You were just going to listen, listen to your friend flirt with her lover. You weren't going to say "Hey! Can I go now, it's getting really uncomfortable in here." But you were because they are really drunk now, and your friend's really really "loud". You just stood up, and left your friend, probably a bad idea to leave her with someone you don't know, but she knows him well, so....... AAAHHH whatever, let her do whatever the heck she wants. But, if she gets violated, would it be your fault and would that make you a bad friend? "Pies and cakes, it leaves a bitter taste", maybe something you won't say in front of a tall stranger. But you did, and it did not come out right.

                "Pikes Baste, Oomph" ......

(I'm so sorry, but who actually says that! Pikes Baste oomph!)
                "Pikes Baste, Oomph" you looked up at the person, turning red as a tomato. First you leave your friend, next think of consequences, and now say embarrassing things in front of a stranger who you just bumped into. He was quite tall and a long nose, and cute. "Sorry cutie..." You then mumbled. The man stared at you his face too then, turning red. You then realised what you said and just walked away.

               What a way to ruin a day. You knew that your friend would be mad, but who knows, she may just get laid tonight. Walking down the parking lot you heard footsteps behind you and pants. You looked back and saw it was the stranger from before. 'Did he run after me!?'

               You stopped and looked at him. He too, then stopped in front of you he was panting as seen at the breath fogs in the cold air. He looked at you and smiled while so handing you something. You took it and found that it was your hair pin.'it must have fallen' you thought. You looked at him and said "Thank you". He blushed and walking away, without even speaking.

               You went in your car and looked at the pin. There was a little piece of paper sticking out. It was pinned. You took it out and looked. It was a phone number. A small smile placed itself upon your face. Maybe it was the strangers number or his friends. Since you have already sinned a lot today, you stuffed it in your pocket, deciding on calling it tomorrow. You then drove away with a little guilt in your heart for your friend.

               The phone rang leaving you quite eager or curios. You hear someone answer on the other line. A thick Russian accent was heard asking for the purpose of the call. You answered "someone gave me this phone number lat night at a mall's parking lot?"

"OH...Oh Hello...?" the voice says. " UHm HI... Uhh I have a feeling I'm not doing this right...?"

"Doing what right?" You questioned.

"My friends told me to give you my number... And to return your pin, too"

"I see.. then Thank you, again."you said slightly disappointed.

"No you see..... I want to meet you again maybe at the cafe at the mall, sometimes....?"

"UUUuuuummm..... Sure?"

         You guys later on met up and and got to know each other much more. Soon, you two were just constantly hanging around with each other. All throughout that time you hadn't seen your friend. You  got worried and went to check on her. As you neared the door your heart raised. You knocked and she was there to open it.

"Look who decided to care!" she yelled at you, you kept your mouth shut and listened, looking down at the floor. "Seriously?! First you ditch me, second you hang out with a cute boy, third you never told me!?!"

      I know it's short but if you want more of this story then.... Sure?!... Why not!?

I just needed to update my stories.

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