•Popular!Prussia x Infamous!reader: Issue

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A/n: I'm sorry if it's confusing and rushed, I've been doing a lot of school work and projects as of late.

Anyone else loves Prussia! I do! All aph characters credits to Himaruya Hidakez.

•Popular! Prussia x Infamous! Reader: Issue

Staring off into the distance, you knew red eyes were following. You couldn't blame him though. And you couldn't help but stare as well. Gilbert Bielschmidt was an outcast, he was a guy who is friendly and popular in just a day. You couldn't care less really... But could you... If I wasn't the one saying of what actions you take, you would've chosen differently, won't you? It is nice to imagine, but here I tell you what you couldn't have done, it's not, of course, an insult towards your being, for I cannot characterize you, not at all, no. Not at all.

You were Famous or popular alright, except you were popular all of the bad things. You loved to pick fights and to act rebellious. But you were in it for the feeling... And has gotten you nowhere. You were still lonely, no matter how many a**es you've kicked, and how many times you've won, you couldn't get that triumphant feeling. Were you modest... Yes, unlike a certain Prussian who would literally brag about the stupidest things.

Did you have a lot of friends? Of course not. You are infamous, that's why. They're all scared of you, but as of lately other people bigger than you started testing you out. As of now, you have been able to beat them all up, individually. But, if they crowd you ganged you up, surely you'd be beaten up senseless. But, right now you're in the cafeteria sitting alone as always, staring off into the distance unknowingly staring at a boy you like, [random boy's name/ or crush's name]. At the same time, you can see an albino was staring straight into your soul, at the corner of your eye.

The albino was smirking and later on looked to were you were staring, he immediately frowned and started talking to his friends. Soon the bell rang and you were all indicated for your next classes. So far you have gone to the office as many as 50, and still kept up a steady stream of A grades. You were smart but you never bragged, why? same reasons as to what will happen if they knew. you would get called nerd or smart, geek. But, really... What's wrong with being a student.

Last class

The teacher started talking about a "funtivity" and since there's an equal amount of students (boys and girls) in this class everyone can be partnered equally without anyone being left behind. You thought this is your chance to at least get close to your crush, but it seems like someone already got ahead of you, it was a girl as quiet as you, but you knew enough to say she's big manipulative prick.

Are you angry or mad? You knew that that girl was the one that had spread those rumors of you back at junior high. you could guess that's where it all started. But, what gives if you made those rumors true. You beat her up in front of everyone, and let's just say, it was good karma. Anyways, you just gritted your teeth and clenched your fist when suddenly you felt someone grab your wrist.

You looked up and saw Gilbert -the albino- smiling at you cheekily, you gave him a poker face, the best one you could muster. He smiled and in defeat, you accepted. You wouldn't exactly say you were close friends, but you were friends. And met each other at middle school.

       The activity was quite fun, more than you imagined, you were to act like a newly married couple. However you were distracted, and you can't help feeling bad for Gilbert, he was trying so hard to make you pay attention to him. The teacher cleared his throat and everyone looked at him, he announced: "You will continue this project after school!" The class' eyes widened 'This was a Project?!' The bell rang soon after. You hurried out knowing Gilbert will try to catch up to you, and he did.

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